Chapter Four

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I stood beside my car frustrated as I looked at my flat tyre. I couldn't change car tyres even if a gun was pointed to my head. I considered calling my dad or Kamso but they lived in Lagos and I in Owerri.

I was really running late for work. I kicked the already messed up tyre furiously. Ouch that was painful.

"Need help?" There, Mr. Dark, Sexy and mysterious was standing beside me. How  he even got so close or walked up to me? I couldn’t tell.
I rolled my eyes and answered,

"Yes, obviously"

He smirked at me and brought the piece of crap that was bundled with an elastic band and tried handing it to me but I didn’t take it. I mean couldn't he change his damn phone? It was an eyesore. 

"Unless you give me your number" he teased. I huffed loudly.

"Are you going to help me or not?"

Please don't leave me stranded. Please help me out, don't mind this front I'm putting up, It’s for your own good and safety.
That was the mantra I was chanting in my head.

He put the phone back in his pocket and replied
"I'll help you okay? Just wait a minute"

Then he stalked all the way to a Highlander took a jack and some screws out and walked back to me.  A Highlander?? Why the hell does he have that kind of phone then? Indeed a book shouldn’t be judged by its cover. I mean the Highlander may not be his probably. I could only know all that if I payed him any mind. Man, I was acting shallow, judging him by his phone and all.

  He removed his shirt swiftly and handed it to me then dived into working on my tyre with enthusiasm.

Dayummm! He was so hot with nice toned muscles that flexed while he worked. I looked at my wristwatch just to divert my attention from the sexy hulk of man and it was almost 8 o'clock. I have never been a late comer so my boss will surely forgive me when I do come late today.

"Done!" He announced cutting my thoughts short, then he clapped his hands dramatically as though he had a lot of dirt on it. I handed him his shirt back and he put it on swiftly just like he removed it with his muscles doing what I learned was what they do best- flexing.

"Thank you so much Mr.."

"Darlington. Darlington Ekwuzie and I didn't get your name last time because you didn't want to give me a chance. Do I look that bad?" He said frowning.

"I'm Kodi Ogbuefi and we didn't get to talk last time because I really had a meeting to attend" I lied.

"I'm going to be late for work thanks again. You really saved me the trouble of going to a mechanic. See you” I continued, saying see you with a sing-song voice.

"How will I see you when you've refused to give me your number. It doesn't hurt to meet new people from time to time you know? You might actually like me" he said dejectedly and continued,

"Okay  see it this way. You owe me one and you'd be returning a favour" He even had the guts to give me the puppy dog sad look.

I face-palmed myself inwardly. How could I  resist those eyes that looked like they held a lot of secrets and looked like they could possibly drown me if I looked  for a very long time?

"Alright hand me the phone"

Fate was really messing with me.

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