Chapter Thirteen

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I sat down in the sitting room with my Dad, Kamso and Darlington. If a pin fell that moment, it would  have been heard everywhere in the house.

Darlington sat beside me, with one hand over my shoulder and the other holding my hand as usual. My guardian angel, my back bone. I knew I was falling head over heels for him but I kept my feelings in check.

Kamso who sat beside Dad in the couch opposite mine, explained her ordeal with Dad on their way to my house for the hundredth time.

“Sister Kodi, it was disastrous. Hmmm, I’m still in shock o. Our vehicle tumbled six good times but Dad and I were unscathed. A lot of passengers were injured, some robbed. A little baby died sef!” she rambled dramatically with excitement, fear and gratitude.

While I was well to do as a marketer in a well-known bank- First bank in Owerri, Kamso was a nurse in Lagos after attending a school of nursing in Imo state. She was currently planning to further her studies by specializing in Intensive Care Nursing at University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Gwagwalada.

Kamso was a younger version of me, with little or no difference. My hair was brown as Snickers chocolate while hers was as black as midnight. While she was five feet nine inches, I was five feet seven. We had the same cat-shaped eyes, that's what we were told while growing up.

Her nose was a very cute,confusing nose just like mine. Flat nostrils with a pointed nose bridge.We were always teased about our nose.

She was slim and slender and was often referred to as Agbani Darego, a one time miss world, while I was more on the curvy side and was often called Mercy Johnson the popular curvy Nigerian actress.

We had the same complexion which we inherited from our mother; a very black skin that reminded me of  Terracotta art. We've been approached many times by different modelling companies to model because of our skin tone but we declined politely.

Nne, it’s only by God’s grace that we are here today. It's really a miracle”
I liked it whenever dad called me Nne meaning mother. He believed I reincarnated as his late mother. I always smiled, but today, I wasn’t in the mood to smile.

I exchanged a look with Darl, it was time to tell them. No doubt, this was definitely Taiwo’s handiwork, probably because I called Father John before calling them. Either ways he would have still tried to kill them because obviously he can see and hear everything I do now.

“Dad, Kamso, I called you both here for a reason, not just to visit me but to tell you something. I feel like the accident occurred because of me and not coincidence” I stated with a solemn look.

I really took a huge risk inviting them over. Maybe I should have told them over the phone not inviting them all the way from Lagos to Owerri.

“I’ve been having a spiritual problem since I turned eighteen”

Here we go again, I was already tired of telling the story over and over again. I've told only two people; Darl and Father John, yet it looked like I've told fifty people.

“A man named Taiwo has been having sex with me in my dreams. Dad, he was the reason Chike died then Chinazu and Okey. I realized this after Darlington…”

I nodded towards Darlington, squeezing his hands as I've come to enjoy doing. I introduced Darl to my family when they arrived but I wasn't sure they acknowledged him due to aftermath of the accident.

“…came into my life. He suggested going to a Priest since we are all Catholics and I did that. Problem now is, the Priest knows how to solve my problem but Taiwo is bent on preventing that. He threatened to hurt you and Kamso that’s why I invited you both over”

I concluded with tears at the rim of my eyes. I’ve cried more than necessary just in the span of two weeks. Taiwo was ruining my life and I wanted this over with ASAP.

The look on my father’s face was incomprehensible whereas Kamso was trying so hard not to laugh.

“Are you trying to say you have an Incubus?”  she asked laughing uncontrollably.

“Sister Kodi, you just made my day I swear. That is fallacy! Superstition! It’s not real. Dad I can’t believe we came all the way to Owerri to hear this crap, no offense sister”

“Mum couldn’t bear kids for a long time. Dad am I right?” I said to Dad ignoring Kamso.

My dad who looked confused as kids looked whenever they saw a scary Nigerian 'Father Christmas' instead of the Santa Claus they see in  foreign movies shook his head in affirmative so I continued.

“She complained to Aunty Funmi who was let her on, on a secret she came upon in a diary owned by our maternal ancestor hundred years ago. Mum went to a shrine to invoke Taiwo’s spirit to give her a child since she was desperate. Now, I don’t know if mum did this knowing the repercussion or not”

There was silence everywhere as it all sank in.

“Sir, I want to assure you that Kodi is telling the truth. She was possessed by the Incubus the other day we went to visit the Priest. Inviting you over here with Kamso was the only thing that could keep her mind at peace seeing as Taiwo threatened to hurt you both. We scheduled a meeting with the Priest again tomorrow. We would like you and Kamso to be there as the only immediate family she has”

Darlington chimed in.

“Nne, this is beyond me” Dad said exasperated.

“How could you be passing through this kind of thing without mentioning it to either of us? I mean, we speak every day on the phone”

“I’m sorry Dad. I was trying to protect you. I didn’t know it was a serious issue till I met Darlington. I was clueless” I cried.

“Come, sit on my laps” he beckoned resignedly.

“Your mother sure was desperate when she couldn’t conceive a child. We visited many hospitals, gynecologists and obstetricians, yet it yielded no positive result. This story you are telling me now is what I can’t comprehend. Your mother never told me anything about consulting an oracle or shrine. I didn’t know she was that desperate, I would have stopped her Nne m. O di nma, it is good that you are getting close to stopping this atrocity o. We are solidly behind you” he concluded stroking my bra-length hair.

“Daddy, me I don’t know o, but I don’t believe the story sister told us” Kamso sulked.

“Kamso, remember when I was in O-town, I’ll always clutch your nightie whenever we slept on the same bed. That’s because I was dreaming of Taiwo” I explained.

“Eeeewww!!” Kamso exclaimed and we all laughed.

A/n: Okurrr. 1,133 words!!! This should be the longest chapter I've ever written so far. I promise to upload another chapter soon.

I appreciate you all following this story up,both silent and obvious readers. I wrote some things in Igbo language such as:
Nne= Mother
Nne m= My mother
O di nma= It is good
Sef= Even

  I'll love to put some Yoruba words and phrases in my story and will appreciate it, if my Yoruba friends/ readers help me out.

Y'all remember to hit up the star button below and comment! Thanks! Xoxo❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

P.s: Am I the only one addicted to Snickers chocolate?🥺🥺☺️☺️

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