Chapter 25 - Female Ghost: My bad!

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Actually, by this time, mama and papa Huang also felt that something was off, but they were unwilling to believe that a relative so close to them would rip them off.

But now they faced no choice but to accept reality and they nervously asked the master their son brought home: "M...master, then can you tell us, can this be resolved?"

It's just dealing with ghosts, right? What could be easier? WeiXi glanced around at the tables and chairs in the room and started rolling his sleeves up to smash them. No matter where this thing was hiding, it'll have to come out once everything's smashed.

ShuoZong thought back to the little chubby ghost's room in the haunted house that had been smashed beyond recognition and wordlessly used his hand to hold him down. He looked around the room as well and realized that nothing in particular was emanating malicious air. He frowned and said: "Matters at hand are urgent, however let's first clearly ask what exactly transpired here."

Then he matter-of-factly motioned his chin towards Tuan JieYi. Tuan JieYi thought to himself you little punk, you dare order your shixiong around like this, then he turned around and left to knock on the neighbor's door.

The neighbor at 701 was home and was a middle-aged lady. When she opened her door and saw him, she was instantly alarmed. Then when she heard he came from 702, she immediately tried to close the door.

Tuan JieYi stuck out his foot and caught the frame, preventing the door from closing. He said: "Hey this auntie here, aren't you overreacting a bit? We're all neighbors here, living so close together. You obviously know something and you're still trying to hide it. Isn't that a little too much?"

The auntie started panicking and shouting "Who are you calling auntie, call me auntie again and I'll call the police!". Her shouting gave Tuan JieYi a headache and then he heard the cool collected voice of his shidi ring out from behind him: "Hello."

The auntie's shouting screeched to a halt and she looked around and saw ShuoZong's face. Then she glanced at WeiXi who was watching her from behind ShuoZong's back and shouted one more time: "You, you're all from 702?"

"Mm." ShuoZong confirmed.

The auntie hesitated for a moment and then angrily continued: "The previous tenants of 702 had a woman who got in a fight with her boyfriend and then committed suicide by jumping off the building. I heard she was pregnant too! How did you not research this properly before you bought the house?"

Tuan JieYi took back his foot and that neighbor immediately slammed the door tightly like she was avoiding the plague, and they heard the faint sound of locks clicking.

Tuan JieYi looked at his shidi and grieved: "Why the hell did she threaten to call the police when I asked, but she had no problem telling you?"

ShouZong glanced at his 190cm tall build. Everything about his muscular build said do not mess with me but he was too lazy to explain that to him. He turned towards WeiXi instead: "It should be this very tenant's spirit that's causing trouble."

His obviously biased treatment angered Tuan JieYi, who then turned and asked Huang Jue: "A pregnant woman who fought with her boyfriend? Do you know who it is?"

Huang Jue thought about it and looked at his father: "Dad, I seem to remember uncle saying that he bought this house as a wedding gift for his son....."

His father's innocent old face finally changed: "Your cousin did have a girlfriend before. I heard they had been together since high school, but when I asked them recently, your uncle said that they already broke up."

The old man appeared psychologically unable to accept the reality of being conned by his older brother and his mood fell very low.

WeiXi had no experience in this matter. To him, a ghost is a ghost. Catch it, pummel it, and all the problems go away. ShuoZong, on the other hand, felt that there was an issue: "Wait a minute. If her death was because of him, then her ghost should have followed him when he left. Why is she here harassing you instead?"

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