is this...their dorm?

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Without my saying anything, the hands loosened their clutch on my mouth and shoulders.

"Isn't it fun," he said calmly, "every time we meet." 

Quickly pulling away, I turned around and took a few steps back. 

Found him. 

Beomgyu leaned against the wall as his arms dropped to the side. The white t shirt and that black cap were probably the culprit of the lavendar scent that gave his identity away. Regardless, he still held that familiar smile when he handed that strawberry milk to me.

"Beomgyu," cutting to the chase, I said earnestly, "I'm, I think I lik--" 

"Shh" He suddenly put a finger to his mouth and looked to the left, where the sasaengs were originally taking pictures. 

Obediently, I stopped speaking but heard no more clicks of cameras and mumbling. The atmosphere was eeriely silent, and the only sound came from the gentle evening breeze. 

"Do you want to run away with me?" After a few moments, Beomgyu whispered so softly that I could barely separate his voice from the sound of the wind. I looked into his eyes and found an enigmatic tilt to his eyebrows. I couldn't detect what he was thinking. 

Without waiting for an answer, he reached for my hand and started sprinting out of the shadow of the corner and into the starlight.






As soon as we started running down the street, sound of clicking cameras went flying through the air. Rapid footsteps followed, one after another, and the sound of people panting and catching their breaths filled the silent night with tension. 

Beomgyu was running at a speed I've never ran at before, and I tried best to not falter, thinking of the consequences that we have to go through if we stopped. 

"Left... in 50" He managed to squeeze out through his breath, and I felt him grip my hand tighter. I caught a glimpsed of his face; he was thinner as his jawline was more defined than the last time I met him. Yet even when blown with the chilliness of the spring zephry, the fiery determination lit in his eyes never subdued.

After several seconds, Beomgyu stopped for the briefest moment and sharply turned left to enter a dark alley, unlit by the lamps on the street we were just running down. Although the 3 sasaengs weren't tailing us anymore, he ran on while clinging onto my hand.  I followed without questions.

"" Beomgyu finally started slowing down in front of a series of apartment complex that was once again lit by flourescent street lamps. "This one."

He loosened his clutch and without looking back at me, reached his hands to enter the passcode on the entrance. 


The glass door opened automatically and he stepped into the brightly lit lobby.  

"W-where are we going?" Even though I knew him, the thought of stepping into a random apartment complex...especially a guy's apartment complex...was alarming. 

Hearing this question, Beomgyu turned around. Awkwardly, he didn't know where to put his eyes and was smiling a rather apologetic smile.

"It''s the closest place that's safe." He said softly while ruffling the back of his hair. 

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