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"I'm back..." Beomgyu said while turning the doornob to enter the dorm.

"Oh Beomgyu hyung! Did you also happen to pick up the delivery downsta---" Taehyun was the first person to appear out one of the rooms and step into the supposed living room that was piled with clothes. "Who is that?" Although his brows furrowed, Taehyun's voice remained calm.

"Oh- um..." Beomgyu stammered, "She--"

"AHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHHHHHH!" Hueningkai followed Taehyun out the bedroom and immediately screamed when he saw me. He strangled the plushie he was holding and started jumping up and down. 

"Tell Beomgyu to go pick up the delivery!" A muffled voice from one of the rooms echoed with the sound of water.

"Uh Soobin-hyung!" Taehyun turned his head slightly to talk to the person in the showers, but his gaze never left me. "You should come out!" 

"Ahh you three really.." Soobin sighed in distress. "Okay okay~"

After a few stiff moments with Hueningkai laughing awkwardly in the background and Taehyun staring intently at Beomgyu and me, who smiled rigidly back, Soobin finally appeared into the "living room" with a towel on his purple head. 

"O..oh?" The second he saw me, his smily lips dropped into a deeper frown and his macaroon eyes widened in fear. "Aren't you...why is she here?"

He looked toward Taehyun, the one who called him out of the showers.

"Beomgyu hyung brought her here," Taehyun shrugged. 

"Beomgyu...could you explain?" Soobin was speaking formally now, and Beomgyu was starting to fiddle around with his fingers. 

"Ok...first let's all sit down." Seeing the awkward positions that we were all standing in, Soobin tried to ease the tension. 

"U-uh?" Hueningkai instantly questioned in shock. Taehyun simply stared at their leader in silence. 

"Ah ...they're already here anyway," Soobin sighed, "I trust Beomgyu."

"Thank you, hyung..." Beomgyu finally exhaled in relief. 

"Huening, you go pick up the delivery." Soobin assigned calmly and ran his hands through his hair, throwing his towel into the corner out of habit. "And we don't have a let's all sit here." He walked toward the center of the "living room" and started piling clothes up to the side.

"Sorry to disturb..." I bowed and uttered my first words as I took off my shoes to enter the dorm.


"So..." After we settled in a circle, Soobin started, "Beomgyu." 

"We were being chased by sasaengs." Beomgyu responded calmly. 

"Chased?" Taehyun widened his eyes.

"Yeah, 3 of them, down Hakdong-ro until the left turn."

"But why was she there?" Soobin asked sharply. 


"I went to bighit first." My sudden words turned their eyes all toward me. 

"Why..?" Soobin continued asking, more softly than when he spoke to Beomgyu.

"Because.." It was hard to say. "Because I like him."

Silence. Even Beomgyu stared at me in a mixture of disbelief and anxiety. I smiled to reassure him. 

"...Like?" Taehyun and Soobin looked toward Beomgyu in unison. 

"I like her too." 

He flashed the same fearless smile from that night on the subway. I think I finally know who Choi Beomgyu is. 

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