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(1217 words)

Ryuzaki put his hand over his bruising face, looking like he was going to burst any minute

Everyone knows Ryuzaki and you are lovers

Except for Light, of course

But they didn't know why you were so upset

"How could that small fight make her that upset, Ryuzaki?"
Light asked, crossing his arms

Ryuzaki was annoyed, and angered, trying to fight off the hints of jealously burning within him

He sighed and groaned
"She went through trauma. That triggered it to come back to her."

"Trauma? A little punch caused all that-


"But that's ridiculous, it sounds bogus-"

Ryuzaki took his hand away from his face and looked at Light straight into his eyes
"Ritsuko was beaten half to death by her parent throughout her entire life until Watari hired her and brought her along with me."

He watched as Light's eyes widen, the other men gasping

"Any little thing; Hitting, yelling, fighting, it triggers those memories to come flying back to her all at once at random times and levels of intensity. She had a panic attack the last time we had a physical fight, and that, Light, is why I had to go calm her down because when Watari is not here, i'm the only person here she trusts."
Ryuzaki responded in a strong, stern tone. A tone he's never really spoken in before.

"Is that what you wanted to hear, Light Yagami?"
He asking, his expression obviously annoyed

Light looks down
"Ryuzaki... i'm sorry.. I didn't know-"

"You were the first to hit in both fights. If you decide to do anything else like that again, consider the consequences."
Ryuzaki turned around to the other men

"Don't say a word about this discussion to Ritsuko. Don't pity her, don't try to talk about it with her. If you do any of the following, I will not hesitate to remove you from the Task Force immediately. Like I said before, I started this on my own, and I can very well finish it on my own as well. Do you all understand?"

The men nodded

"Ryuzaki, you sure do seem protective of her, don't you?" Light smirked. Ryuzaki wasn't haven't it.

"Watari took her in, not me. I have to take care of her, though she is also my assistant. It's nothing special. I don't have time for anything else, she has her own floor to herself for a reason."
He coldly stated, gritting his teeth.

Oh, he hated that.

He never wanted to say that again.

He held his fists so tightly that he drew blood from his own palms.

"Oh, I guess that's reasonable, given your position.."
Light sat back into his chair

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