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" Strong women don't have attitudes

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" Strong women don't have attitudes. They have standards and boundaries." 

- Unknown


Hazel enjoyed when they were relieved from training for a weekend and got to experience Wartime London during Christmas time. The trust among the people of the company was astounding by this point. There was banter and inside jokes and laughs as tiny groups moved down the streets of London, with glances from the locals, but they didn't entirely care with their extra $50 dollar pay in their pockets and smiles on their faces. 

Of course, Hazel sent each and every bit of extra pay she got to her mother back home with hopes that she could put it towards herself for once and not the house. Hazel enjoyed walking next to Lizzie, the two women dressed in their uniforms as Christmas music played through the streets, with songs of hope and joy for the holiday as well as longing and the feeling of homesickness, since it was yet another Christmas where they would not be home with their loved ones.

" You know," Malarkey started as him and Skip stood on either side of Hazel, " back home, we had these fountains that would run along Main Street, most gorgeous things. You'd love 'em, if you love the stars." Everyone knew of Hazel's love and fascination with the stars, she talked about them a lot, but the men didn't mind. Instead, they found it adorable, her fascination with the stars and all.

" Really?" Hazel asked him, her eyes shining. Malarkey nodded.

" Or the Niagara." Skip said, and Hazel's eyes widened, " Now her, she's a beauty. Swam it myself once."

" More like skipped across the bridge," Don said.

" You know, that's actually how I got the nickname." Skip said. Hazel looked up at him.

" Don't tell me it was because you skipped?" Don asked blandly.

" It was most definitely because I skipped. And I skipped everywhere." Skip said with a proud smile.

" That's cute, Skip." Hazel said with a smile.

" I mean, hey, I'm not the only one with a cute nickname, you're literally so tiny and your nickname is Tiny." Skip said as Hazel laughed.

" His is bullshit." Skip said and Hazel let out an even louder laugh.

" Shut up, will ya!" Don said, reaching past Hazel to shove Skip's shoulder.

" I'm kidding silly, but Sobel sure got a kick out of it." Skip said as Hazel giggled and watched as the tops of Don's cheeks turned pink.

" You didn't have to be so vocal," Don said as Skip laughed.

" They were gonna find out sooner or later, Don, plus I'm pretty sure they know malarkey is in fact slang for bullshit." Skip said as Don rolled his eyes.

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