38 | the final days

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" Sometimes you don't realize you're actually drowning when you're trying to be everyone else's anchor

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" Sometimes you don't realize you're actually drowning when you're trying to be everyone else's anchor."

- Unknown


They built foxholes that remained around the outskirts of Carentan that night. Within the coming weeks, they didn't move much, maybe to smaller towns outside of Carentan, but Carentan was the main port where troops from Omaha and Utah could link up and head inland and also where supplies could be brought through. It was a process in the works. Each battle though that Easy was engaged in, became harder to recover from afterwards. The casualties were difficult to comprehend most of the time and most of the time the medics were the ones who dealt with that. 

Hazel was sent on night patrols almost daily and she'd come back at 0200 and still see Gene, Lizzie, Spina, Pepping and Oates working and awake in the aid station. But what amazed Hazel was that Lizzie still managed to keep her personality as bubbly and as upbeat as she could and that's what kept those medics in there going, especially Gene, who's eyes became foreign and distant almost, and he grew black and almost glossy. 

But Lizzie's promise to Lip had been a promise and she never broke promises. The two medics shared a foxhole all the time, so she always made sure that even if he got back first, she would slid in, make sure he ate and rank water and then finally would get some rest. Even if it were taking a toll on Lizzie, she felt it were more important to know everyone else was okay. 

It must've been D-Day plus 20, and it felt like it were much longer. More watery coffee had been provided to the company in the early morning of the 27th. Lizzie had been up all night, even though she promised Gene she wouldn't be, and that was the first thing on her mind as she stumbled out of the makeshift aid station. She saw the station and she inhaled the scents of coffee, even the merest scent of it, and made way for it, walking right up to the station with wide eyes. 

The Private behind the station poured her a cup and she gleefully took it and sipped down the wonderful drink. Maybe this would let on to the other 4 medics that she wasn't up all night. She slowly retreated back towards the aid station and when she stepped inside she found Gene was now in there, attempting to wake up it seemed.

" Hey, Gene." Lizzie called as she sipped the coffee and entered the room.

" Hey," he called over his shoulder, a yawn following.

" You want some coffee?" Lizzie asked him, stepping up to his side and offering the cup. Gene gave her a look.

" That's yours." he said. Lizzie scrunched her brow.

" Nah, you can have it." Lizzie said and placed it in front of him.

" I think I'll be ok without it." Gene said placing it back in front of her. Lizzie just smirked and took it back.

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