29 | of a combat medic

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" That was her magic, she could still see the sunset, even on those darkest days

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" That was her magic, she could still see the sunset, even on those darkest days."

- atticus


Lizzie was sitting beside Shifty in the blistering midday heat from the sun, her neck growing sore as she was bent over, making her first K-ration since being here. Blonde hair hung in her face, as she bent over and she remained focused and alert. They were right next to a large field and Tab was currently standing and looking out toward it. They'd been going since they met up, searching for the assembly area, but they were blown so far off that it was over 12 kilometres away by this point. And by now with the garrison battle already over, they were probably on the road to Sainte-Marie-Du-Mont, the next town that they were to capture. Lizzie finally sat up from her K-ration, pressing a hand to the back of her neck and rubbing it as it grew sore. She had to stretch it a bit as she did so.

" You ok, Lizzie?" Shifty asked her and she nodded.

" Yeah, I'm good." she said as she leaned back and sighed, picking up the K-ration, " Do you want a bite?"

" No you keep it," Shifty said, " and drink water." Shifty had been the one on her for drinking water, for she was neglecting it, as she was staying on high alert and making sure that the boys erew the ones drinking water. Lizzie grinned at Shifty and nodded.

" Thanks Shifty, I will." she said, as she reached into her canteen and took a sip from it. She was dehydrated, she could feel it. But she didn't want to drink it in case Tab or Shifty needed it. She knew she needed water but her medic instincts usually remained high, and she knew Shifty and Tab would run out soon. She knew all the symptoms of dehydration as well, such as headache, hallucination, sun-sickness, things like that.

" Well," Tab said and both Lizzie and Shifty glanced up towards Tab, " no sign of anyone else." He glanced back towards the two. Shifty was giving him a pointed look and Lizzie was raising a brow his way.

" I think we've figured that out, Tab." Lizzie said, " The drop must've been widespread if we haven't seen anyone for a few miles."

" Yeah, well, still sucks." Tab complained as he walked over and took a seat in the little triangle. Lizzie offered a tiny smile.

" You need to eat," Lizzie offered, holding out her K-ration toward him.

" Isn't that your K-ration?" Tab asked her, noticing there weren't any others by her side except her medic satchel.

" Yeah, but it's fine, you need it more." Lizzie said.

" No, Lizzie, keep it, it's yours." Tab said. Lizzie gave a pointed look.

" I'm only taking a bite because it is yours and you deserve it more. You are the medic, can't have you passing out on us." Tab told her and Lizzie snickered softly.

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