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" Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder

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" Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder." 

- Unknown 


The sky was blue, yet cloudy and smoky in the early mornings of June 8th, 1944. Lizzie walked beside her companions, Tab, Shifty and Smokey, as the sun yet again beat down on their necks. 

June 7th, had been a rather, interesting day among the 4 Easy Company members. After their run in with the 502nd, they'd been moving towards Coup-de-Ville ever since where the sister companies would hopefully soon meet and then be able to engage in the offensive based around Carentan.

That was if they found the 506th. 

They'd gotten moving with 502nd the next morning by that point, and moved through the warm, humid heat that sweltered around them, intoxicating them like alcohol. Lizzie had wondered how the other 2 girls were doing, and that wherever they were, they were safe and unharmed by the brutality of war.

" I'm guessing you were right, Smoke, we might be fighting with these guys the rest of the war." Lizzie commented as she stepped over a burnt piece of driftwood.

" Ah c'mon, Elizabeth, where'd the positivity go?" Tab called over his shoulder. Lizzie rolled her eyes.

" How long are you gonna keep calling me Elizabeth?" Lizzie muttered.

" As long as it takes to annoy ya." Tab called over his shoulder. 

" Congratulations, you don't have to keep calling me that then." Lizzie said, brushing off her medic brassard a bit. Stupid dirt. She heard Tab chuckle a bit.

" You think the others are ok?" Shifty asked glancing back at the trio.

" Well, Hazel's got a sniper that can you shoot you from a 1/2 mile away," Smokey started, " and she could throw someone down in a matter of seconds."

" Yeah, yeah you're right." Shifty said, " And Catherine?"

" The Lieutenant who's smarter than everyone in the company combined?" Tab called, " She's probably got a tally going of how many German's she's killed." Lizzie smirked.

" I know the two of them better than myself sometimes," Lizzie said as she took a glance at the sky, " if anything, they're okay."

" You hear what those guys were saying yesterday?" Smokey said, pulling a smoke from his lips to blow of the stream of smoke.

" No, what?" Tab asked.

" They think if we keep moving, they can get forces into Germany and to Berlin. Berlin by Christmas. I'll be damned if this stupid fucking war finishes that way." Smokey said. 
" If we even make it to Berlin," muttered Tab.

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