21 | upottery airfield

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" It's okay to be scared

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" It's okay to be scared. Being scared means you're about to do something really, really brave."

- Unknown


The men and women of the 101st loaded into their respective trucks to head off towards Upottery. They would be staying in the airfield until the time of the invasion finally did arrive, however long that would be. 

Hazel slowly seated herself beside Liebgott, sweating in the heavy amount of gear she was lugging around. Summer in England was warm and humid and absolutely muggy outside whenever you headed out.

" They expect me to fight Germans wearing all this?" Hazel said as she glanced at Joe who was smirking beside her.

" Seems like it." he said, as she smiled softly, brushing some hair from face that was hanging down in her lose helmet.

" You said you cut hair, didn't ya, Joe?" Hazel asked him as Joe pulled a strap tighter and nodded.

" Yeah, yeah I do. Little side business when I drove cabs. I liked the extra cash." Joe said.

" Can you do women's?" Hazel asked softly with a shy smile his way. Joe glanced at her with a smirk.

" I got 4 sisters, 'course I can, Tiny." Joe said, the corners of his eyes crinkling with a soft smile to Hazel. She smiled, her two dimples appearing.

" Hey, mind cutting my hair too there Joe?" Malarkey said slamming in across from him with a smirk.

" Sure, princess." Joe muttered, giving a glare his way as Hazel laughed. Malarkey snickered. The truck drive was just odd, because there was a riled up anticipation of what was to come, but there was no time of when that was supposed to happen or occur and there was a pit deep in Hazel's stomach as she slowly started making the realizations she knew she would have to face as a soldier, a paratrooper in war now. Everyone was tense and overwhelmed. 

Hazel glanced around the tiny truck filled with men of the company and sighed to herself. It felt like there was a rock lodged in her throat. She peaked out of the back of the truck to look towards the dreary, grey skies that lied over Upottery. They knew as paratroopers, and for the women as Viragos what this would mean, concerning the course of war. What a rather surprising invasion of Europe would eventually mean.

" 2nd platoon, listen up! I want the 1st squad and a-side tents right up there!" Compton called to the whole of 2nd platoon.

" 3rd squad, second row." Compton called again. It was a strange feeling, being in the presence of one of the biggest military invasions that was about to made in the whole of military history itself. There was a seriousness when the men went about their business heading to their respective tents with their equipment and weapons. You could hear the planes and their whirring engines as they moved around the airfield as well as hear every man walk through the mud that they trekked around the airfield. There were loud voices and some shouts of orders as well as chatting amongst the enlisted. Engines on vehicles revved around the base, and rattling noises echoed in the air. 

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