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" Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness

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" Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness."

- Unknown 



Never were there a more fascinating group of young men who joined up in Easy Company. Fascinating as in, cocky, and interesting as in rude. 

And the best thing to happen yet since Easy Company had made it to September?

Sergeant Jenkins? 

Got himself in a fight with a few of his own replacements and got transferred from the 82nd to the 101st, placed into Dog Company. Catherine just hoped that Lieutenant Speirs had a field day with that asshole and she'd never have to see his face again. Catherine's shoulder was improving, more than it had been back in August and now her mobility was better, but she still needed weekly physical therapy sessions. It sucked, but Catherine went. 

In early September after a few miscalls on jumps, Easy finally made way to Membury, and Hazel felt that leaving the Burnett's behind was the worst pain in her heart that she had felt in a long time. But Hazel was determined to go back to that beautiful home, with those beautiful people and see them again and relive the memories that helped her through the beginning of this war. But it was like telling each other, see ya later alligator, like they knew they'd see each other. It was a nice feeling simply saying see you soon instead of good bye. Because Hazel was determined to see them again. 

Out of all the replacements, Babe Heffron made the biggest impression, mostly because Bill took him under his wing almost immediately and then Joe Toye tagged on, and then there was George, and Bill and Bull and Catherine - the list sort of went on after that. Babe, even though confident, was a blushing mess in front of the 3 Viragos when the time did come for say mess and they were all sat at a table and one of them would ask him a question and he'd be just saying things, red as a tomato. But he recovered quickly, he was just surprised the Viragos even were talking to him. 

There had been rumors in their training about how they were the the toughest, meanest soldiers, worse than some of the men as they fought bravely in battle. 

Babe had taken it in grains of salt, knowing what images he saw of some of the women and figured that at least not all of them were that way. His momma brought him respecting women, hell a woman had brought him into this world; he felt she was the only one that could take him right out again. 

Babe, rather naive, was fairly observant. 

He noticed Joe and Hazel, the best friends who went from fighting like an old couple, to laughing at each other within seconds, were always together. Catherine on the other hand was always with the officers, her Lieutenant ranking forcing her there, even though, like Buck, she adored spending time with the enlisted. Catherine mostly though would hang around Bill and Joe Toye, and George and sometimes float over to Skip or Malarkey. She had a big circle it seemed and was highly respected. Lizzie, the medic, he had figured out, was usually with Gene Roe, or sometimes with Tab, Smokey and Shifty, and the 4 would give each other a bit of crap, but Babe had heard them once; it was rather hilarious, or sometimes Lizzie would be with George and Perco, a comedic duo Babe thought, or sometimes over with Malarkey. 

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