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" in your dark days, just turn around and i will be there

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" in your dark days, just turn around and i will be there. and maybe i won't have any more light to give than what you have already. but i will take your hand and we will find the light together."

- JmStorm


That night, at the dinner line, it was so quiet. Catherine didn't show up for dinner. Hazel and Lizzie were there, but they were so quiet and closed off, that they could barely talk with tear filled eyes, and red, blood-shot eyes. 

Joe Liebgott sat next to Hazel that night, on the log from earlier that afternoon, as she pushed the food around in the tin. Joe could see her holding back her trembling lip, as well as the tears that wanted to fall from her eyes. So Joe decided to sit beside her and eat quietly, and not say anything. 

Hazel needed him to know that she appreciated him just sitting there, without saying a word. She slowly reached forward, and grabbed his hand with her gloved one without even making eye contact. She interlaced their fingers, sucking in a shaking breath as she did so. Her hand was cold in his own warm one, but Joe knew it meant the world to Hazel. Joe knew that as thanks from her, especially right now. 

She had never said good bye to Bill or Joe, her mind filled with the memories of them protecting her and defending and making her smile when she felt she was in the dark. 

Bill had been the one to comfort her before anyone after the letter from her father before D-Day. 

Joe had been the one there for the hugs and the excitement and the encouragement that never failed to roll from him. 

And the two had been there on Christmas Day, singing like a bunch of saints, like there wasn't a war, like there was no fear. Like there was only pease. It only made her heart hurt more. She didn't know when she'd get that dart game consisting of Joe, Babe and her against Buck, George and possibly Catherine. She didn't know when that was to happen and it made her sad that it might never happen. Her heart ached. 

The days slowly started bleeding together, and Buck was taken off the line. He couldn't deal with seeing Joe and Bill like that. He'd been strong for so long, and nobody was upset with him going away to heal mentally. Lizzie sat alone, eyes frozen and shut off, her eyes not focused on anything.

" Hey," a voice said and Lizzie looked up to see it was Malarkey.

" Oh, hey," Lizzie said as she looked up towards him. He offered a small smile, before sitting down beside her on the log.

" I couldn't save them," Lizzie whispered to him, shaking her head.

" You tried, it's all that matters." Malarkey told her. She nodded.

" Is that all that matters anymore?" Lizzie asked softly, as she looked at her blood stained finger tips. Malarkey looked at them to, as Lizzie watched them with sad eyes.

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