Chapter ONE

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James P.O.V.

Pain and humiliation is all I feel as the rain pelts my broken body. I lay in my wolf form on a patch of moss in a part of the forest I am not familiar with. It's been four days since I lost the border guards. Four days since I ran away from hell. Four days since I last saw.....him. Yet I have been unable to feel any type of relief. The memories will forever haunt me reminding me of how weak, pathetic, and useless I am. My body is slowly healing if I had stronger blood it would not have taken this long.

Every ache and pain is a reminder of my final day at the Blood Howl Pack.

****Flashback 4 Days Ago****

I rollover on my bed trying to escape the bright sun shining through my window into my eyes, waking out of my peaceful sleep. I groan and pull my scratchy wool blanket over my head.

"Wait, the sun?!?"

"Crap, crap, crap, I over slept" I berate myself as I jump out of bed. I'm suppose to be up at 4:00am to help the other omegas prepare breakfast for the pack. I check my clock it reads 5:57am.

In my haste to get out of bed I bump my head on the low ceiling of my attic bedroom. My bedroom consist of a thin mattress on the floor covered in a wool blanket and throw pillow, a water damaged medium sized u-haul box where I keep my clothes and I would keep personal items if I had any. I also have my own bathroom. Which is nice if the tub wasn't covered in rust and lime stains from the steadily dripping facet and shower head. The sink works when it wants to and the toilet always backs up. That's my life.

I scramble to find clothes that aren't too dirty. I find a pair of faded blue jeans with oil stains and a dingy yellow shirt which I believe use to be white and my only pair of shoes a ratty pair of converses with holes in the soles. I don't have time to brush my teeth or do any other morning routine. I will just do it after breakfast.

I try to avoid looking at myself in my door length mirror but I am a glutton for punishment. I take in my horrible appearance. I'm 20 years old but due to my malnourished state I look much younger. My bones protrude everywhere and my skin is sunken in on my face. I look like a walking skeleton. I am not tall maybe about 5'8. My tan skin is covered in burns, scars, and bruises. I receive daily beating from the pack sometimes for mistakes I make while cleaning, sometimes for speaking out of turn and sometimes simply for breathing too loudly or existing.

My black hair lays greasy and limply to my shoulders and my green eyes are dull and lifeless.

I'm not really afforded much in luxuries. Every thing I own are things I find in the trash. Soap, clothes, shoes, you name it. Some of my pack members have gotten hip to my dumpster diving and have decided to prank me. Lets just say the last bottle of shampoo I found did not contain shampoo. When I first found it I was ecstatic because I rarely find full containers. That joy did not last long. I shudder remembering my realization as I poured the white substance into my hair. Apparently a few of the pack enforcers had ejaculated into the bottle.

I tried to wash it but a faint smell still lingered which all of the pack could smell. I was ridiculed relentlessly that day. I am now more cautious while picking through the trash.

I take a deep breath and exit my room. The pack house is fairly quiet so I hope I can make it to the kitchen without incident. I creep down the stairs and through the empty halls to the kitchen. The other omegas look up at my arrival.

They acknowledge my present with a nod. There are 4 of us in all. All of us guys. I wouldn't say that we were friends because any one of us would sell the other to avoid a beating. But there is a sort of kinship between us.

"You're late", Oliver a short red headed omega with pale skin and dark brown eyes whispers to me as I get to work making toast and preparing a fruit salad next to him on the kitchen island.

"I know I over slept", I replied quickening my hands as I notice we only have 45 minutes before the pack arrives.

"Well make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm not trying to get beaten because of you", Oliver spits at me before moving away from me to set the table in the dining room

Once we are all finished cooking we help Oliver bring the food out of the kitchen into the dining room. All together we have prepared bacon, sausage, hash brown, eggs, fruit salad, pastries, bread and various drinks. The dining room is huge it can fit comfortably all 200 of our pack mates and it doubles as a ballroom when we entertain guests. There are two long dining room tables where we place the food and drinks then we hurry to our corner to wait for the pack to arrive.

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