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James POV

The sun is shining brightly as we walk out a back door into a courtyard. There are fountains, cobblestone walkways, benches, statutes, flowers and groves of fruit trees everywhere. We walk a little further into the backyard and I can see an Olympic sized swimming pool in the center of the courtyard. There are a few pups and their parents hanging around the pool having a good time.

"This a type of hang out spot for the younger wolves. It can also be a nice spot to relax or read a book or something." Amber explains. We continue along and a few members wave and bow their heads to Amber.  I can tell she is well liked and respected. I on the other hand keep receiving looks of confusion and shock which is not at all what I was expecting. Where's the looks of disgust and anger?

"Why are they looking at me like that?" I whisper to myself.

"Like what?" Amber asked looking around to see what I'm talking about. 

"Oh I think I know why" she says between giggles. She continues walking through the courtyard. There is a paved road up ahead and I can see identical looking brick homes beyond it. This must be where the mated members live.

"Why?" I ask confused by her laughter.

"Dallas probably made it seem like you were a vicious feral rogue hell bent on devouring us all. Now that they see you how small and harmless looking you are they're confused".

Amber's description of my pitiful physique cuts me deep and I can feel my self esteem plummet at the way my mate views me. "Small and harmless" not Strong and Fierce like alot of the men I see around here.

"Hey I didn't mean anything by that" Amber stops walking and gives me a serious look.

"Yeah yeah I know no who's Dallas?" I quickly change the subject trying to save face. I'm tired of look weak in front of her.

Amber tenses beside me "Dallas is my Beta he can be over protective of the pack sometimes"

"Oh" Thats reasonable but why did she tense up. In fact shes still tensed.

"Are you-"

"We're here" she interrupt me as we reach the paved road. "There isn't really much else to see."  We hook a right and keep walking there are structures up ahead. " All that's left are the auditorm, rec center, parking garage, and the training facility for the pack enforcers and guards." We are slowing strolling down the road. Every building has a sign in front so I easily identify which is which but something seems off to me.

"Where is eveyone?" Everything was so quiet it was like a ghost town.

"It's the weekend everyone is off doing there own thing. Some probably went to town its only a 20 minute drive from here. During the week this place is full of people working. Which reminds where would you like to work?"

"Work?" Everyone in my old pack usually just lazed around except for the younger ones who went to human schools. I once heard Beta Charles mention to Alpha William that the pack was going to go into bankruptcy if people didn't start pulling their weight but I never did see any changes.

"Yes, the way our pack works is that any member can choose a job that contributes to pack life. It can be anything from maid to enforcer. The workers then earn an appropriate salary according to said job. The money comes from Red Dawns financial accounts. The money the accounts hold are from lucrative business endeavors and investments made over the years by the packs financial advisors. You know stocks, bonds, the opening of businesses that sort of thing. We own  85% of the nearest town. If a member chooses to get a outside job in the human community thats also fine as long as they run it by me first."

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