Chapter EIGHT

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A rogue in our territory was unheard of. I ran the tightest ship in the country. In the two years since becoming alpha of the Red Dawn Pack there has not been a single rogue to get within 10 miles of my territory's border and now there was a rogue actually on my property.

Once outside of the pack house I shifted into my wolf. There is a shimmer of light while I transform. Contrary to popular belief we don't destroy our clothes during the process. We are also fully dressed when we shift back to our human form.

My auburn pelt shown bright in the afternoon sun so much so you could see the highlights of gold throughout it. Because of my alpha blood my wolf was quite large. I stood about 6'2 but was not as bulky with muscles. I was a slender wolf which help me with speed.

'Alpha we are near the clearing by the lake, and we have the rogue surrounded' I heard Jared one of my enforcers mind link to me.

'Im on my way' I take off towards the pack's lake which is only 2 miles from the pack house.  From my peripheral I see a flash of pure golden fur. Dallas has transformed into his wolf and is just a step behind me.

'Where are we headed?' he asked havent heard the conversation Jared and I had.

'Lake' is my only response.

'That close?!? What the fuck? One of the pups could have been attacked they play their all the time'

'I know, someone is going to pay for this,' I growl as we approach the clearing the rogue is being held.

I lift my nose and follow the scent of my pack mates. Thats when it hits me and I stumble to a stop. I smell the most amazing scent. I can't readily identify it. It smells like everything thats good in the world. Like a big juicy marinated steak when youre starving, a cool crisp spring lake when youre dying of thirst, a field full of the most exotic fragrant spices in the world, heck it even smelled like fucking rainbows. It smelled like Everything I love combined into one awesome package.

'Mate' my wolf howls in my mind and then starts chanting it over and over.

'Amber you ok?' Dallas ask from right in front of me. I jump back a little startled. When did he get there? Thats when I realized I have been standing in the same spot with a idiotic dazed look on my face for a few minutes now.

I ignore him and walk around his wolf. My wolf and I need to find that amazing smell. I follow it and realize that its coming from the vicinity of the guards who caught the rogue . That can only mean one thing.

James POV

I finally get the energy to move. With the help of my wolf I block everything from my past and focus on my future vendetta. Its the only way I can stand to live with myself.  My body is so weak, I can't remember the last time I ate or drank something. I have been walking along in my wolf form looking for an easy meal like berries to eat. I dont have the energy to chase prey.

I know berries are not enough to sustain my wolf but it will have to do.

I haven't shifted back into my human form yet because I'm afraid it will be too weak to do much of anything. I havent gotten much sleep and haven't healed everywhere yet.

I pause in my slow stroll aware that the atmosphere in the forest has changed. It seems more charged with energy and activity. I ignore it thinking perhaps the game is just good here.

I walk along until I find a small clearing near a crystal blue lake and waterfall. It's actually quite breath taking. But the best part of all are the berry bushes lining the north side of the lake.

I hurry over ignoring my wolfs sudden unease. 'Danger' he says but I'm too busy devouring branch after branch of wild berries.

Once I've sated my hunger a bit I am more aware of my surrounding and that is when I hear a chorus of low growls coming from right behind me.

My hair stands on end as I slowly turn around.

There stood three of the biggest werewolves I had ever seen. The werewolves in my previous pack were no where near so big. I could see muscles on top of muscles bulging under their fur.

All three were different shades of brown and they all had their sharp teeth on display dripping saliva and growling menacingly.

Crap how long have they been there?

I glanced around looking for an escape. Anticipating my flight they quickly surrounded me and move in closer.

Theses wolves were organized. They couldn't be rogue wolves. Rogues killed without strategy and finesse. They simply killed for sport. Rogues were the wolves that were usually kicked out of their previous pack due to their instability or blood lust. Some rogue wolves like myself choose to leave their pack voluntarily but its rare. Its unnatural for a wolf not to want to be apart of a pack.

I must have accidentally crossed the border of their packs territory. These wolves seemed to be waiting on something maybe their Alpha to come and deal with me.

Maybe there is hope. I could plead my case tell them I didnt mean to intrude OR the Alpha will kill me on site for being a rogue.

I can't use mind-link on these wolves because I'm not apart of their pack . I may have to shift to my human form to communicate.

I can hear in the distance more wolves on their way. The wind picks up alittle and  I freeze when I smell the most tantalizing scent ever. I don't even know what it is but I know I never want to stop smelling it. I look to the direction its coming from.

From the trees to the left of us bounds two more wolves one auburn and one blonde but the auburn one has my full attention. She is where the amazing scent is coming from.

Our eyes lock and I know instantly who she is 'Mate' my wolf howls with glee upon seeing his mate.

Her piercing gray eyes never leave mine as she slowly trots over to me. She is taller than me. I'm in a daze and I can't move. She ignores the wolves around her who are eyeing her strangely.

Soon we are face to face and the  wonderful smell of her is overpowering. I can't resist myself I lean up to nuzzle her neck and breathe in deeply she soon does the same and tingles immediately spread throughout my body like someone is erotically kissing me everywhere. I moan and lick her neck.

Just then a snarl rips through the air and I jump back. The trance is broken. I look around to see where the noise came from. The blonde wolf is now approaching us snarling at me with a look of pure hatred in his eyes.

That look is just the bucket of cold water I needed to realize this is all wrong. I cower back from her and bow my head towards the stronger blonde wolf. I don't deserve a mate. I'm weak, used, and pathetic. It also looks like she is in a relationship already if the death glare I'm receiving from blondie is anything to go by. I can even faintly smell her on him, they've recently consummated.

My wolf growls 'Fight for her shes ours!' but I can't do that she deserves more than me. She would never accept me if she knew what I was. She's an Alpha I can tell from the size of her wolf and the raw power rolling off of her.

I look over to my mate and she is glaring at blondie. They seem to be having a mind-link conversation.

I look over to the other wolves and they seem to be caught up in watching my mate and blondie.

Now is my chance. I take off running back from the direction I came. All the while my wolf is in my mind whining and mourning the lost of his mate.

*°~*°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~*


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