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Amber POV

The weather is nice, the birds are chirping and everyone is out enjoying this beautiful evening except me.  I am sitting in my office pondering my relationship woes.

There's something going on with James. Something has been off for a couple of days now. He's become distant and secretive. The only time we interact is during one of my spikes, and then he's attentive and caring  but other than that I rarely see him.

I don't see him for meals or in the exercise room. I can't even find him at the training faciliy where he has basically lived lately learning with the other warriors.

Every morning when I wake up  he isn't there and his side of the bed is cold so I know he doesn't even spend the entire night with me anymore.  I don't know where he's going or what's going on.

The new members have not even met him yet. They may think I'm making him up. Everytime I suggest a meeting he comes up with an excuse some utterly ridiculous and obvious lies. When I confront him on it he changes the subject never meeting my eyes and leaves in a hurry.

I have my suspicions though. Just thinking about them now makes me feel a mixture sadness, jealousy, anger, and confusion. These Heat emotions just keep getting worse. I know when I'm being paranoid and truthfully I may be reading too much into this but I can't ignore all the signs.

It started when I smelled her in our room. It was faint but I'd know her smell from anywhere. Next I saw her wearing one of my favorite band tees. I know it was mine because of the autographed right sleeve. There she was lounging on a couch in the living room stretching it out and getting buttery popcorn all over it. I took a deep breath and walked away not wanting to cause a scene over something so petty besides I'm sure there was an logical explanation.  The final  straw though is when I saw him with her in the kitchen whispering to each other yesterday evening . When I approached them they jumped apart and had looks of guilt on their faces.

What the hell were they discussing? Why were they so close? What was there to be guilty about? Hundreds of questions raced through my mind at that moment.

I don't want to believe they're something going on with them but my Heat frazzled mind won't let it go.

Ugh this is ridiculous. I refuse to sit here all day wallowing in self-pity it's pathetic. There is so much for me to do. I get up from my chair and head to the game room where theres bound to be something to occupy my time.

When I walk in I see old and new members mingling around. The sight makes be proud. Everyone has adjusted really well. I spot Dallas across the room. He is bent our pool table behind a cute brunette. The scene says he teaching her how to line up a shot, but the way her hips are grinding into his I don't think its 100% innocent.

I roll my eyes and laugh. When he finally finds his mate she's going to have quite the time fighting off all his admires. He looks up at my laugh and catches my eyes. He removes himself from the girl, she gives an exaggerated pout. He leans forward and whispers in her ear with what I assume are promises to continue there 'lesson' later on. He kisses her hand and winks, she giggles. He excuses himself and walks over to me.

"Well look who came out of the cave, what do we owe this pleasure" he walks over to me crossing his arms and giving me a friendly smile.

"James is.....busy so I figured I'd hang out with the pack. Its been awhile." I hope he doesn't notice my pause or my lie. The last thing I need is someone feeling sorry for me to tip my emotions over and send me to a depression.

"Great how about a round" He uses his thumb to indicate the pool table.

I raise an eyebrow at him and smirk "Do you really want to do that? I don't want to discredit your teaching abilities in front of your pupils." I turn my head to a group a females sitting on a couch. They're whispering and giggling eyes glued to Dallas.

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