Chapter TWELVE

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Amber POV

After settling James in my bed he immediately falls asleep. He looks so at peace laying in between my blankets, much different from the turmoil I can always see in his eyes when he's awake. I would do anything to get rid of that look.

Thankfully the maids had come through to change the bed linen from Dallas and I early morning activities. That would have been awkward bringing my mate in here to the scent of me and another man.

I sigh and walk to my bedroom door looking back one last time and smiling before I close the door. This is going to work. I know it will I just have to be patient.

Its around 12:00am now and the pack house is fairly quiet. I've had a long day and I'm starving from all the excitement. So I head to the kitchen for some leftovers. Just as I'm approaching the stairs a hand shoots out from a darken doorway grabs my arm and pulls me into a room.

I snarl my wolf coming to the surface to help defend me. I swing my hand out at my assailant, my fist connecting with their face.

I hear a pained grunt. The hand lets me go. I rear back and punch again hearing a satisfying crunch.

Suddenly the rooms lights are turned on. Its takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness but soon I recognize the room.

"Dammit Amber what was that for?"

Dallas stood near the door one hand on the light switch one hand clutching his nose.

"You scared the crap out of me Dallas what did you expect" I reply placing my hand on my chest trying to calm my heartbeat and prevent my wolf from coming out.

"Well excuse me for trying to be quiet. I didn't want to wake anyone else on the floor up." He says now trying to stop the flow of blood from his nose with his shirt.

I give an exasperated sigh and head to his bathroom to get a towel for him.

I come back out and Dallas has taken off his shirt and is sitting on his king sized bed.

"Where's your shirt?" I ask with a raised eyebrow sitting next to him on the bed and turning his face towards me so I can help him clean up the blood.

"Its got blood on it I had to take it off" he replies smoothly. Looking at me straight in the eyes.

"You could have put another on" I am staring right back at him now. The blood now cleaned up an no longer flowing.

"Its too hot for a shirt" he says not missing a beat.

I give him a look saying I'm not buying it for a second.

He laughs deeply never breaking eye contact. His eyes start to smolder with unbridled lust.

"Well I guess Im just trying to seduce you" He leans in so his lips are near my ear and whispers "To show you what you will be missing".

I have to admit his words do have a slight effect on me. I shiver as his breah fans across neck.

Something is different though. Usually by now I would have thrown him onto the bed straddling him while he rips off my drenched panties and I ride him till my voice is hoarse.

Though I am still very much attracted to him I cant risk betraying James. Its just not worth it.

Dallas starts to trail butterfly kisses down my neck. He goes lower and lower until.....

"Wait!?!" I scrambled away from him and stand up."I cant do this I'm sorry" Even to my own ears the rebuke sounds weak. My voice is husky and and I am panting and lets not forget the faint scent of my arousal in the air.

He takes a long exaggerated sniff of the air and licks his lips. He then gives me a smirk that calls out my lies.

I turn away from him less I be tempted to finish what he started.

"I have to to go" I rush towards the door but before I make it Dallas runs in front of me halting my escape.

"No don't go I really just wanted to talk honest" He pleads arms out stretched blocking the exit. "I need to get something off my chest"

"Dallas please move its been a long day. I just want to go check on James and fall asleep." I can't stay here a minute longer. I need to get back to James so his presense can remind my labido that mate trumps lust.

There's a change in Dallas's eyes. He drops his arms. They go from pleading to rage in an instant.

"James" he sneers his name "Is that its name?"

My wolf snarls in my head at the blatant insult to our mate. She has never really liked Dallas.

"Yes his name is James and if you want to keep your teeth I suggest you stop disrespecting your Alpha's mate" I say through clenched teeth. I understand that he's mad but he is pushing my tolerance of his grief. James did nothing to him and if he should be mad at anybody it should be me.

Dallas doesn't back down. "You know everyone has been whispering about the stray you've brought into the house. We are all wondering if you have lost your mind. Seriously Amber what were you thinking and to top it off he's a fucking weakling omega."

That's sets me off. I'll be damned if I will be questioned by anyone in my pack. I'm the Alpha and a I make the decesions. I slam my forearm into is neck and pin him to the door.

I lean up to his face and growl. I can see fear in his eyes before he mask it with difiance. "I want you to listen and listen well. Who or what my mate is none of your concern. If you or anybody else has an issue I don't give a shit. He is not a feral rogue so he isn't a danger to you or anyone else in the pack. I would never endanger any of your lives so carelessly. As for him being an omega SO WHAT it doesn't mean anything. If I ever hear you insult my mate again you'll be out of your Beta position and out of this pack. You got that?!"

I'm staring into his eyes and I can see that he feels betrayed and hurt. He nods his head slowly and I let him go and push him away from the door.

I storm out of his room and slam the door. I walk back down to my room getting something to eat completely forgotten. Before entering my room I take a few calming breaths. I don't want to wake James up with my mini tantrum.

I open the door and quietly walk in. James is still sound asleep where I left him. I creep to the bathroom to take a quick shower to rinse off any smell of Dallas.

Once finished I crawled in bed next to my mate. I leave about 2 feet of space between us and settle down.

I tossed and turned for 30 minutes trying to get comfortable but can't. Finally as I settled in cuddled up to James my body instantly relaxes. I throw my arm around his chest and snuggled in closer. I could get use to this. He is so warm and inviting.

I drifted off to sleep free of worries and completely content.

*°~*°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~*


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