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For two hours we fall into a pattern. First I use the whip to strip him of his skin all across his body and face. In some places where I've struck repeatedly I can see shreaded muscles and bone. The whip is now coated in blood and pieces of his shredded skin.

Next I use a bat to break his ribs and legs. At this point William begins to cough up a tremendous amount of blood. I assume the broken bones must have caused internal bleeding.

Finally I use cattle prod shocking him over and over untill he starts foaming at the mouth and he loses control of his bladder and bowels and his excrements drip down his legs onto sagging pants. The sight and smell is enough to make me gag.

The entire time even while screaming and convulsing in pain he never breaks. No apologies no admissions of guilt, just defiance in his dark eyes.

The worse part of all is that I feel nothing. There's no glee, satisfaction, relief, or any thing. I feel I may be doing this wrong s o I decide to try a new tactic.

"Well William it looks like our time has come to an end" I replace all of my tools and wipe off the blood that is on my hand onto my jeans.

I look over at his abused body. "Oh what you're done already, is that all you got?" His words are a little slurred now. I shake my head at his pathetic tauting he's been like that the whole time, telling me I won't get away with this, reiterating that I'm nothing and worse of all telling me what a 'nice piece of ass' I was. I am disappointed.

I only have one more task to complete and I believe this task will finally make him regret his actions. I take out a pair of gleaming sharp gardening shears.

"I want answers William." I walk over to him and with no preamble reach up and cut off one of his thumbs.

He lets out a blood curdling scream. "What the hell is wrong with you!?"

"Nothing is wrong with me William. I've decided I'm not gonna keep torturing you I'm just going to make sure that you won't be able to touture anybody else."

I reach up a clip off another finger then another then another. His agony echoes throughout the woods slow and harmonious. Sometimes his screams are high like a soprano sometimes low like a tenor.

His fingers drop haphazardly around his body. His left hand now only has his ring and pinkie finger and his right hand only has it's middle, index, and thumb.

"I want to know why William"

"Why what?" his head is hanging down facing the gound.

"Why you hated me so much" to my embarrassment my voice cracks at the end of my question revealing my true emotions.

"You were loser omega-"

"Bullshit" I cut him off tired of his lies "You treated me different from the other omega, your hatred for me was deeper, stronger."

He lets out a weak hapless chuckle. "You weren't special James just convenient and easy. You practically begged for it......including the sex." He ends in a whisper and I had to struggle to hear.

I should have known he wasn't going to cooperate.

"Well ok I just have one more instrument of torture to destroy. I take the gardening shears in one hand and grab his length with my other.

"W-w-what the f-f-fuck James?!?"

"I want answers and you're not giving them to me." I place the shears around his length and pause. "I want to know why?"

"I t-told you why James" He stutters stubborn to the end eyes glued to the shears.

I start to cut slowly just breaking through the first layer of skin. James wails.

"OK OK!!" I stop and look up to his face "It's because you look like him alright?" His voice is full of defeat and sadness like all the fight was sucked out of him.

"Who?" I remove the shears and take a step back.

"My Mate." He whipsers eyes becomimg distant his thoughts drifting somewhere else.

"Your mate was a man?"

He growls loudly and his head snaps up his eyes are blazing. "Yes my mate Connor, that little asshole he tricked me. He tried to ruin my life, my Alpha position and turn my family against me. He tried to turn me Gay." He spits the word like it was venom in his mouth. "He's still trying to ruin me."

"Still? Your mate is deceased I read it in your file."

"I know" He looks me straight in the eyes his face void of emotions "I'm the one that killed him."

I look at him in astonishment. The shears drop from my hand and I stumble back. "You killed him? Your mate, your other half, your fucking reason to breath and live?" I can't even fathom his reasoning.

"You don't fucking know. My family would have never accepted it . I would have been disowned and kicked out. I was born to be Alpha. All his idiotic talk of love and running away together would have destroyed my legacy"

I stand there stunned over his reasoning, William continued on.

"I made sure it was painless he didn't suffer at all. I even  gave him a gift."

"What was the gift?" I'm completely enthralled in his heartbreaking tale. William closes his eyes for a moment. When they open I see unshed tears and tremendous pain.

"We completed the mate bond. It was so perfect and beautiful." He smiles brightly reminiscing on their special moment, suddenly his smile  drops. "Then I snapped his neck afterwards while he was asleep."

My eyes widen and I stare at him with disgust.

"And what do I get for my kindness. Nothing but a slow drift into insanity. I can feel it, he's haunting me making me crazy and unstable. You want someone to blame James blame him. He's the reason I am how am." he is now openly crying. The tears dripping onto his bloddy shirt.

I stare at him and for the first time tonight I feel something other than anger.

I feel pity for William Caldwell.

I don't see my torturer anymore. I see a man who was never able to be himself, and whose family probably made him feel like an abomination because of his feelings. I see a man who found his love only to have it stripped from him by his own hands. I see a man who is now slowing losing his mind from his lost and broken mate connection, and who probably doesn't have much longer to be sane.

I walk over and untie him, he falls to the ground in a heap. I can see that he's moving slightly. The drugs must be wearing off. I reach down and  losen his bound hands and feet. "Leave William I don't want to see you near Red Dawn again."

I walk away from him to grab my duffel bag. I can hear him struggling behind me."You're  just going to leave me here like this you're not going to finish the job"

I look back to him to see he has managed to sit up."You've lost everything and now you're losing your humanity. You won't last long soon you will become too dangerous. I can pratically sense the rogue on you. There's nothing else I can do or want to do to you. All I want is for you leave before you cause further problems in my pack. I'll give you an hour to drag yourself off our territory any longer and I will kill you" I put as much authority and severity in my voice, I can see him shrink back in fear, with that said I turn and begin to walk back to the pack house.

"You Bastard!!" William snarls. I turn back around to see that William has grabbed my discarded gardening shears with the remaining fingers on his left hand. I tense ready for an attack.

"If you won't do it I will." he looks up towards the night sky and whispers "I'm coming Connor" and slices his own throat .

*°~*°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~*


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