Chapter NINE

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Amber POV

'What the hell is your problem Dallas you're scaring him' I glare at Dallas. He had just interrupted my very first intimate encounter.

'It's a rogue who cares if it's scared. We need to put it down. Rogues are nothing but a disease if you ignore them for too long you will end up regretting it.'

'He's My Mate!'

My statement seems to stun him. He takes a step back. I can see the shock mixed with hurt in his eyes.

'Mate?.......I'm too late' He whispers sorrowfully.

Before I can respond out of the corner of my eye I see the little black wolf take off running away from us towards the border.

My wolf whimpers at his apparent rejection and wants to follow him but I am torn. Maybe I should let him go I never wanted a mate anyway and the look Dallas is giving me is breaking my heart.

I have to choose. Do I choose to keep up things with Dallas and maybe someday fall in love and not just lust with him or do I choose this complete stranger who makes my body tingle and my heart race just from a glance of his green eyes.

I choose to follow my heart which is currently high tailing it out of here towards rogue territory.

I look over at Dallas 'I'm sorry Dallas we will discuss this later'. He says nothing but turns his back to me and runs back to the pack house. Usually its disrespectful to turn your back to your alpha but considering the circumstances I will let it slide.

I turn to Jared and the others. 'Go back to the pack house I will take over the rogue'

'Yes Alpha' they reply in unison and leave for the house.

Once they are all gone I take a deep breath and go after my mate.

James POV

I have no clue where im going but I know I have to get away. Once I'm a good 20 miles away from her territory I stop.

I take a moment to catch my breath and pause to hear if anyone is pursuing me. There is a snap of a twig behind me. I am confused they couldn't have caught up to me that fast.

I extend my hearing but there is no more sound. It must have been a small critter running by.

I try listening again and still don't hear anything. Not a insect, frog, deer, or anything. Something is wrong its too quiet. This is the type of quiet a forest makes when theres a serious predator around and no one or thing dares to even breath until the threat is gone.

Just then I am tackled to the ground and pinned. Above me is a feral looking wolf twice the the size of me. Its missing patches of its grey fur all over. He is covered in scars as well as open wounds that are festering and leaking pus. Underneath the stench of him I can smell werewolf but when I look into his eyes I see no humanity only animal. There was no more white in his eyes it was all blacked out. This is a rogue.

He lunges for my neck but I twist enough under him so he gets my shoulder instead. I howl in pain as he rips off a chunk of my shoulder chews it then swallows it.

He tries to go for my neck again but this time I gather my remaining strength and use my hind legs to buck him off of me and he lands a few feet a way.

I scramble to my feet trying to ignore the pain. He gets to his feet as well completely undeterred. He has being insane on his side and that can keep him going for a while.We circle each other growling. I have to figure out my next move running is not an option I'm too tired and I'm losing alot of blood and I can feel myself slowing blacking out as well.

No, no, no, this can't be happening . I never even had a chance. He must see the defeat on my face because he gives me a wolfy grin before he lunges at me for the kill.

He never makes it though. My mate leaps from the trees like a blur and collides with him in the air. He is taken by surprise and before he knows whats going on she grabs on to his neck and twist so savagely not only can I hear the cracking of the bones but they are protruding from his neck. The rogue drops dead.

My mate then puts her two front paws on his corpse and let out a triumphant howl to the afternoon sky.

She looks over and we lock eyes hers glowing bright with adrenaline.

My final thought before I black out is that I have never been more turned on in my life but yet completely emasculated. I just got saved by a woman.

*°~*°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~*


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