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I decide to grab a quick thorough shower to was off any signs of Dallas from my body.

After I'm finished I relax myself and try to reach out to James with mind-link but its still blocked.

Dammit I'm not sure what that means. Is he still with Brittany or has he left.

I rush down to the main level to search for him. Everything is quiet not many people are up at this time. I search every room calling out his name looking around frantically. The few members that are awake are eyeing me strangely but I don't care I have to find him and I have to explain.

After looking into the last room and finding it bare I start to lose hope.

"Alpha" I know that voice.

I turn around so fast I get dizzy. Brittany is standing a few feet behind me. She's actually wearing casual clothes for once instead her usually Sluts-R-Us apparel. She's wearing a pair of simple gray fleece capri pants and to my anger one of James's shirt.

Before she knows what's happening I have her against the wall, my hands around her throat.

"Where's James?" I snarl one second from snapping her little neck.

She claws at my hands desperately gasping for air "I don't know" she chokes out.

"Liar I saw you two leave the courtyard together last night where is he?" I tighten my grip enjoying the lovely shade of blue her face is now turning. I am in no mood for games. It's bad enough this little whore had her hands all over my mate the last time I saw him but now she's hiding him.

"I can't, I cant brea-" her eyes are starting to lose focus and drift closes. I realease her and she falls to the ground in a coughing fit.

"You have one more chance Brittany where is he?"

"I swear I don't know Alpha. I was coming to ask you" she says in between gasps trying to pick herself off the floor.

"What do you mean?"

Brittany leans on the wall for support massaging her throat. She's staring at me wearily keeping her distant. "Last night I left him in the woods. He had something to do out there and he said that he would contact me when he was done but that was hours ago. I'm worried"

This story sounds suspicious. "What did he have to do in the woods?"

She quickly averts her eyes"I-I- I don't know Alpha" she's obviously lying but I don't care. I just need to find James.

"Where in the woods did you last see him?"

Brittany looks at me and I can tell she's reluctant to say. I take a threatening step forward and she stumbles back.

"He's about 3 miles from here" Brittany gives me the directions to the exact location and I'm out the door. I shift into my wolf form hoping I'm not too late.

I push myself as fast as I can and make it within minutes. The scent of blood and bodily waste is the first thing that I smell as I get closer. I whimper inwardly at the thought of my mate hurt. I'm now a little panicked. Please James be ok.

I burst into a small clearing and what I see stuns and confuses me.

James is sitting in a daze with his back against a tree half naked covered in blood and about 10 feet in front of him is a badly mutilated body that a horrific smell is coming from.

I shift into human form and rush over to James collapsing on my knees beside him. He doesn't even acknowledge my presence he just keeps staring forward.

"James?" I grab his head and turn it to face me. His eyes are glossy and he isn't really blinking. I become more worried and gently shake him.

"James please snap out of it"

He starts blinking rapidly and I can see his eyes becoming more focused. He looks around getting his barrings then is his eyes train on me "Amber?"

"Yes James it's me" I hug him to me, he slowly wraps his arms around me.

"Amber" he says again but this time I can hear tears in his voice.I pull back concerned. I look into his eyes and I can see so much pain. He knows about Dallas and I.

"I'm so sorry Amber"

Or not

"I thought if he was gone I would feel better, that all I needed for the memories to go away was for him to be dead, then I could pretend that it never happened."

I look over at the mangled body. "James I don't understand, did you do that to him?"

A single tear slides down his face and he nods looking at the body.


"He was the leader of my old pack Blood Howl"

I gasp in shocked. My eyes snaps back to James but his eyes are now casted down. I get up and walk a little closer to inspect the body and it is in fact, Alpha William Caldwell.

"James I think you owe me some answers."

"I know I owe you some answers."

I sit back down beside him and he begins to tell a horrible story of humiliation, abuse, and lonliness. Throughout his telling his eyes become more and more sad. When he gets to the rape I have to grab his hand to comfort him as he sobbed throughout the retelling. He then tell me about seeing William at the pack house, what happen with Brittany, and plotting for his revenge. Soon his story ends with Williams committing suicide to be with his mate. We sit here for over 3 hours and by the end I am emotional drained I don't think I can shed another tear. William ruin so many lives including his own.

"I just wanted to be a better man for you. I didn't want you to know how weak I was how he.......violated me. I never wanted you to know. I'm so stupid all the sneaking around and hiding things from you always felt wrong" He let out a sad chuckle. "Hell I think even the bond was trying to tell me this is wrong"

"Why do you say that?" I ask. We're still sitting against the tree leaning into each other for support.

"A few hours ago I felt the most excruciating pain. I think it was telling me to forget this stupid plan and can come find you and beg for forgiveness."

I tense beside him that 'Excruciating pain' could have only been one thing, my betrayal by sleeping with Dallas disrupted the bond causing the pain, but he doesn't know.

"What's wrong you're all tense" It's now or never Amber tell him the truth.


Call me a bad person but I can't fucking do it. It would break him and he's so fagile now. James is my world. He is the most kindest, bravest, sweetest, most wonderful mate and I love him. I can't throw away my relationship with him for some stupid mistake that will never happen again.

"Do you forgive me Amber?" James stares at me earnestly from his look I can see that he's hoping for the best but expecting the worst after all he's told me.

"There's nothing to forgive" Guilt washes over me. If anyone should be begging for forgiveness its me. I didn't trust him and overreacted and now I have to live with my disloyalty for the rest of my life.

James smile is so bright and beautiful. He leans and gives me a sweet peck on the lips. Sparks shoot out over my skin and I quiver in pleasure. How could I have ever mistaken Dallas for James. No one has ever made me feel like he does.

"Thank you Amber " relief is clear in his voice." I want to start a new healthier chapter in our relationship. I want to be more open with you. So I propose we make a pact to never keep any more secrets or lie to each other. Deal?"

I hesitate, here's another perfect opportunity to tell him.

"Of course James no more lies no more secrets from here on out." Once again I can't do it. I give him a smile which he returns his eyes full of love.

I really hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass.

*°~*°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~*


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