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Amber POV

I look towards the end of the hallway. That's strange I could have sworn I saw James there. I wanted to introduce him to William.

The meeting had gone well. We explained all rules and regulations  to him and William said that his men were good to go for training. His men had already been shown to the training facility. William and Dallas were getting ready to go over there to begin. I asked Dallas  to keep me posted and I went in search of James.

Something felt off about him I reached out through the mind-link to see if he was okay. I had this really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

James are you ok? I attempted to mind-link him.

No answer, but the connection was still open. I try reaching out emotionally and a sense of deep forlorness and despair hits me so hard I stumble and have to grab onto a wall to keep my balance. I clutch my chest to slow down my rapid heartbeat.

"Alpha are you ok?" A couple of teens that were in the hallway heading towards the game room rush over with concern on their faces. They attempt to help me up.

I gently brush them aside and put on a smile "I'm fine just a little dizzy spell"

"You sure?" the one on the left ask looking uncertain.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I stand up straight fixing my rumbled clothes. I can't look weak in front of my pack "I'm just going to go lay down take a nap. I will see you at the meet and greet later" I leave them there staring after me as I rush to my bedroom where the feelings are coming from.

I burst through the door frantically searching for James. He's curled up in a fetal position in the middle of the bed.

"James?" I whisper his name but he doesn't respond. I hasten over to the bed and crawl over to him. He's extremely tense and shaking non-stop but as soon as my hand touches his arm his shivering ceases.

"James what's wrong?"  he turns is head to look at me. The look he gives me pierces my heart. His face is pale and his eyes are scared and haunting. I've seen that look before it's the same exact look he wore when he first arrived here.

"I'm fine just a little under the weather." He smiles but its barely there and does nothing to cast away the shadows across his face.

He's lying.

I thought we were pass the secrets I guess I was wrong.

"Can you try to sit back for me I'll be right back" I don't wait for him to comply. I need a little space from him. I turn before he can see the hurt on my face and head for our bathroom .

I get a hand towel and run it under cool water then rise out the excess. I look in the mirror my face is a mask of hurt.

Why doesn't he just tell me the truth?

He has to know I love him unconditionally. I won't judge, all I want is to protect him and make sure he's happy.

I can only come up with one reason why he would lie to me.

He doesn't trust me.

That revelation cuts me deeply and I have to fight back tears.

I shake head trying to get rid of my melacholy attitude. Since when am I so emotional. I take a deep breath.

Maybe I'm overthinking this. He's probably just having a rough day. Taking into consideration his abusive past if anyone is entitled to sulk every once in while it's James. I hope one day he will open to me but I'm not gonna push him.

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