Chapter TWENTY

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I am so freaking late

I speed walk down to my office. I was suppose to be down an hour ago but James and I got a little tied up in the Jacuzzi. Who knew he could hold his breath so long.

I smile thinking about my mate. Its been two weeks since we officially mated and things couldn't be better. A week or so after our bonding he also officially joined the Red Dawn pack. We had a small ceromony in one of the ballrooms and it was a happy occasion. Everyone had finally come around to accepting James past as well as him being my mate. The night was filled with congratulatory hugs and good natured ribbing about us taking too long.

My life has changed so much. Hell, I've change. Never in a million years did I think I would become one of those women who becomes distracted through the day with thoughts of her mate, or who isn't able to go to sleep unless he is curled up next to me. I find myself constantly craving his voice and touch especially lately I can't get enough of him. I've even been thinking about having pups.

I need to focus. Today is a big day. We have a new pack coming in and I have to be ready to receive them.

Over the last few days I've been working none stop getting rooms together and making sure our food storages are stocked. Hopefully everything will go smoothly.

I open my office door apologizing profusely but the only one present is Dallas stretched out on my leather sofa.

"Did I miss the meeting with the Alpha?" I take a seat behind my desk.

"Nope they're late" Dallas sits up and shrugs his shoulders.

I roll my eyes a little peeved. "They sure aren't making a great first impression." I cross my arms and begin to rock in my chair.

Dallas chuckles "You were just late yourself"

"Yeah but I'm not the one begging for aid and sanctuary. Besides I knew you could handle the meeting" I smile over at him and there's a strange look in his eyes. I advert my eyes and my smile slowly falls from my face. The room falls into a awkward silence. I start rearranging my desk just to have something to do.

"I fucking hate this" Dallas deep voices rings out though the room.

"I'm sure they'll be here soon"

"I'm not talking about them I'm talking about us" I drop a pencil l'm holding and look over at him. I really don't want to talk about this now. Our last conversation left me emotionally drained.

"Dallas I don't think now-"

"No let me finish, I need to get this off my chest" He gets up from the leather and walks of to one of my guest chairs to sit in front of me " I'm sorry Amber"

Definitely not what I expected him to say. My face must show my confusion because he laughs running his fingers through his blond hair.

"I know, I know, not what you were expecting me to say but I am." He takes a deep breath and let's it out. "I've spent the last few weeks so bitter, stressed out, and fucking any girl that moved trying to turn her into you....I hated you Amber. You and James"

A small gasp escapes my mouth. I didnt know he hated me.

"Then I saw the two of you together at his pack induction ceremony and you two look so happy, so in love and thats when I knew James didn't steal you from me like I delusional believed. You never did love me."

"Dallas I do love you" My voice sounds think with emotions.

"Not as a friend Amber. I mean in love with me and even if you thought you may have been it wasn't strong or maybe it wasnt real. It's like that old saying 'If you should ever find yourself in love with two people choose the second one you fell in love with because if you were truly in the love with the first one you never would've fell for the second one' "

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