Chapter FIVE

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This feels so right.

The sun is high in the sky and it feels great against my fur. It has been a while since I've shifted since I wasn't allowed to go on the pack runs with the others. My small scrawny wolf repulses them. I took a moment to bask before I take off running.

I push my legs to go faster than they've ever gone before. I run into the surrounding forest quickly making my way to packs border. It takes me about 30 minutes to get there but before I can cross it I hear a growl.

From the corner of my eye I see a border guard in wolf form charging right at me.

He cuts me off right as Im about to cross. I stop in my tracks unsure of what to do. This wolf I wasn't really familiar with. He was a dark grey color with brown eyes. He was about 6 feet tall and packing some serious muscle throughout his body. He took a step towards me and growled.

'Where do you think you're going omega'

His voice rang clear in my head due to the packs mind-link ability.

Taking a few steps back and looking around for an escape I replied. 'No where I was just-'

'You were just trying to escape', he cut me off 'We'll just see what Alpha Williams has to say about that'. His eyes fog over and I can tell he's contacting the Alpha through mind-link.

No! This was my only chance to get away and he wasn't going to stop me. Without thinking I lunge at him catching him off guard tackling him to the ground.

'You are not stopping me' I snap and break his neck before he has time to fully react.

I was never trained to fight so the only way I was able to defeat him was because I had the element of surprise.

No doubt if it was a real fight I would have gotten my ass handed to me.

In the distant I can hear the reinforcements the Alpha must have sent out. I don't bother sticking around and rush over the border.


It's been 2 hours now and I can still hear them behind me. It surprises me they are still chasing me. I thought they would have given up considering we are in rouge territory now.

The Alpha must have told them to persist. He wants me back where he can keep an eye on me or possibly killed. I'm sure he doesn't want his dirty little secret getting out.

My wolf is getting tired but I tell him just alittle while longer. It's not until around six hours later that I hear no one pursuing me. They must have lost my scent when I crossed the stream about 2 hours back. I collapse in a heap of exhaustion on a bed of moss still in my wolf form.

I Did It ! I'm free!

I laugh almost hysterically in my head. Everything is quiet body around me and in my thoughts. I felt the pack bond break a while back so there is nothing tying me to them anymore.

My laughter soon turns to anguish sobs. The adrenaline is now gone and the memories of the morning soon come crashing back.

I have no energy to move or hunt. The only thing keeping me alive is the strength of my wolf. His hope for a future and his hope to get retribution.

My wolf seems to understand that I may need some time before we move again. So while I sit there wallowing in my self-pity and he sustains me for four days.

*°~*°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~*


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