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James POV

I stretched my body out on the soft surface I was laying on. My body felt so relaxed I didn't want to wake up but there was a noise that grabbed my attention.

It was like a gurgling noice.

I open my eyes to investigate, it sounded really close. I look around and I am alone in a large bedroom about the size of a studio apartment. The walls are a soft cream color and throughout the room was hardwood flooring. I was laying in the center of the room in a extra large king sized bed. Across from me there is small enclosed kitchen area with a fridge, stove top, and 3 upper cabinets. Next to the kitchen is a door where I cab see clothing and shoes spilling out of the door way. I chuckle to myself looks like my mate isn't a neat freak.

The rest of the room is fairly neat and typical with a couple stand alone dressers, a vanity, sterio system with surround sound, and door leading to a bathroom.


Theres that noise again and to my suprise I realize its coming from me. My stomach is rumbling so loudly it was able to wake me up from my sleep. I can't remember the last time I had a decent meal.  When I was apart of  Blood Howl the omegas were never allowed to eat much usually just scraps that were left on plates. Sometimes we could sneak food while preparing it but if we got caught the punishment would be severe. Meals were for the worthy and important and the omegas were neither of those.

I shake those memories away. I've dwelled enough on my past. Today was the first day of a completely new life, a new me, a new chance at happiness with my mate.

'Mate' I hear a howl in my mind. It looks like my wolf is back. He must have really needed to rest. He starts chanting mate over and over. I smile at his giddiness. 'Yes we have our mate Amber'

Just the thought of her makes my breath catch. I'm so lucky to have found her. No matter what it takes I will make her life the envy of other females. I will worship her like a goddess and make sure she doesn't regret giving me this chance. My wolf yips in agreement.

I get up in search of food. I remember last night before I fell asleep Amber telling me to make myself at home so I head to her mini kitchen. There isn't much in terms of hearty food but there are lots of snacks and enough ingredients to make a sandwich, which is what I make.

I find a note from Amber telling me she will be back later and not to leave the room. She doesn't put a specific time when she will be back but I hope I have time for a quick shower. I finish my sandwich and hurry to the bathroom.

I pause once inside. This bathroom is amazing . It is easily three times the size of my old room at Blood Howl. Its decorated in an evening tropical paradise theme. Against the walls there are palm tree and ocean sunset mosaics. The floor tiles resembles that of sand and there are small tastefull beach themed trickets throughout the room. I look up and someone has painted the ceiling in different shades of swirling oranges, pinks, and yellows representing the colors of a sunset.

I walk over to where the shower is. I'm a little overwhelmed at it's complexity. It has eight different shower heads from various vantage points and six different knobs for operation. I look over to where there's a large Jacuzzi tub big enough to fit four people comfortably. It's surrouded by candles, bath oils, and body washes. It looks so inviting but I know I won't be quick once I got in so I remove my clothes and get into the shower. It takes me a minute to get the shower running but once I do its like heaven.

I stay underneath the sprays longer than I intend. I get out grab a towel from a nook next to the double sinks and dry off. I don't have any clothes so I throw the hospital scrubs I was wearing back on and exit the bathroom.

I am startled to see Amber, looking as beautiful as ever with her hand raised preparing to knock on the door.

"Sorry l didn't mean to startle you. You were in there for quite a while I got worried"

I blush "I was really enjoying your shower".

She giggles and turn towards the bedroom door "Its Our shower James and it's fine I'm glad you enjoyed it. Are you ready for your tour?"

I come to a complete stop behind her now full of panic. My mind reels. What if her pack doesn't like me? What if they don't think I'm worthy to be a Alpha's mate? Will she be forced to reject me? I don't know if I'm ready for this!

"Hey James" I look up and she's right in front of me concern in her eyes.

"You're going to do fine ok" She reaches up to carress my cheek and I instantly calm. "I won't lie to you it may take a while for eveyone to warm up to you but I have confidence that you will win them over"

She's right I can do this. I refuse to be weak omega James with messed up self esteem issues. I will be the mate she deserves.

I don't know what compelled me to do it but I leaned forward and kissed her lips. It was a innocent simple kiss. At first she didn't respond seeming to be taken aback. I begin to back away thinking I over stepped a boundary but then her whole body language changes. I look into her eyes and see burning lust. She grabs my head and drag my lips back to hers. Her lips move against mine frantically and I match her pace. Tingles spread from our lips throughout my body sending erotic shivers making my toes curl. I moan loadly wrapping my arms around her. I've never kissed anyone before but my instincts are kicking in. My tongue darts out to gently probe her lips asking to be let . She opens them immediately and this kiss just turned from innocent to shamelessly sinful as are tongues collide for dominance.

Somehow we tumble onto the bed never breaking the kiss. Amber is straddling me now, she rakes her nails down my chest grazing my hard nipples. I groan into her mouth, my pants are now uncomfortably tight. She stops at my waistband undoing the tie and I freeze. The last person to remove my pants was Alpha Willi-

I break away from our kiss panting but not from pleasure anymore "Wait I can't do this" I whisper struggling to keep the memories of my rape at bay.

"What?!? Did I do something wrong?" Amber is breathing hard and her lips are slightly bruised.

"No you didnt. I-I just think w-we need to slow down"  I stammer averting my eyes hoping she doesnt notice my lies.

"Oh....right of course" she whispers sounding hurt.

I look back and see her eyes are full of rejection and embarrassment. She scrambles to get off of me and stands up.


"No no you're right I'm sorry I don't know what came over me." Her face is red and she is looking anywhere but at me.

I feel like dirt lying to her and making her feel bad but I can't tell her the real reason I had to stop, she would be repulsed.

An awkward silence fills the room.

"Soooooo how about that tour" Amber exclaims in a fake cheery voice.

Before I can answer she is heading towards the door. I scramble and catch up with her as shes walking out the door.

Great its my first day and Im already messing things up.

*°~*°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~*


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