Chapter 1

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(28-11-2023 update)

Hiyo my readers, the author here. I will be uploading the updated and rewritten versions of each chapters along with the original, for comparisons sake. You can skip to the end after reading the updated version if you want, since it has no major plot changes, apart from writing style. I hope you enjoy the updated version of chapter 1!!




Hello fellow supporters near and far. I have decided to go on a hiatus on social media for personal reasons. I will update you guys when I feel ready.


Hinata Shoyo loved dancing. He learned ballet and gymnastics at the age of 5 and got recommended to try figure ice-skating by his uncle, Katsuki Yuri. Shoyo loved ice skating and rarely got nervous in front of others, but he was against the idea of skating competitively. Instead, he yearned for the feeling of freedom ice skating brings.

After his father passed away, it was hard for his mother to raise Shoyo and Natsu because her old job required her to travel a lot, leaving her children with her younger brother, Yuri. For the sake of helping his mother provide for the family, Shoyo decided to take part in local figure ice-skating competitions to earn money.

He proved to be a force to reckon with and quickly climbed the ranks, soon representing his district for competitions. Shoyo felt uneasy and uncomfortable as he gained popularity. He decided to use a fake name for competitions. He chose to use his mother's family name, Katsuki, during competitions to hide his identity. Furthermore, he would even go as far as dying his hair black during competitions and shows for the sake of being free from the burden of being famous. 


Volleyball practice was going well. The boys had split into two teams and are having a practice match. They poured in their best effort, their heart and soul into this practice session, as if they were playing in an actual competition. Hinata was in his prime, putting all his focus and mindset into volleyball-

-his pristine focus was soon shattered, interrupted by the bold 'WE WERE BORN TO MAKE HISTORY' tune of his cell phone. "Someone's phone is ringing!" Kiyoko raised her voice to get the boys' attention.

"It's mine!" Hinata yells back, "Coach, can I be excused for a while?" Hinata asks Coach Ukai while jogging out of the practice premises. His coach nodded in response, "Make It quick," he says. Hinata dashes to Kiyoko to get his phone and practically flies out of the gymnasium as soon as he sees the contact name.

Uncle Viktor

"Ah! Shoyo! Where are you? Practice is about to start in 5 minutes! Did you forget about Yuri and I???" His uncle's husband dramatically cried over the phone in Russian. "Ah! Sorry, Viktor! I'm still at volleyball practice! I completely lost track of time! Please tell my uncle I'll be at the ring in about 20 minutes!" Hinata cried back, feigning a dramatic tone in his voice. He hung up the call and flew back into the gym.

"I'm sorry, guys and coach!" Hinata yelled at them while packing up his belongings. "Its an emergency, coach, I need to leave now! Please excuse me!" He bowed politely, yelling. (does the politeness cancel out if he's practically screaming at his coach?) "Its fine," coach Ukai says to him, "Be sure to get plenty of rest and be sure to be on time for morning practice tomorrow."

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