Chapter 12

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Kageyama POV:

Even after finding out about Hinata's not-so-little-little- secret, my friendship with him hasn't changed one bit. Well, so far.

Right now I'm in the living room watching a cartoon with Shrimpy #2 while Hinata is cooking in the kitchen.

Sure, I was shocked to find out Hinata had a double identity as some famous celebrity. Not to mention he's Japan's number 1 junior figure skater.
He'll be Japan's overall number 1 if he manages to get into this year's Gran Prix finals. That's what he told me, though.

A feeling didn't leave my chest every since he told me about his secret. It could be just a feeling or some random instinct, but I fear the day Hinata wouldn't be there to spike my tosses.

If that day were to come, I don't even know if I could continue playing volleyball.

He said that he'll be with me to the top and I believe him.

I hear the front door open.

"Ahh, Natsu, don't play your cartoons so loud." I hear Yuri-san say. (Hinata said I could call them Yuri-san and Viktor-san because Katsuki-Nikiforov-san confuses him)

"Oh, Kageyama-kun. Nice to see you-" Viktor-san greeted and stopped.

Both of Hinata's uncles stopped their movements. Even breathing.

"SHOYO! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE JUST DONE???!" Viktor screamed. Almost like a lady.

"I KNOW WHAT I DID, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" Hinata screamed back.

Then both of them had a screaming and panic sesion in Russian while shaking each other's shoulders.

"Alright, alright, guys." Yuri-san got in between of them and tried pulling them away. "What matters is wether or not Kageyama-kun can handle and keep the secret." He said.

Hinata and Viktor-san turned their heads to me in usion. Then they started bomb barding me with zillions of questions while Natsu goes back to watching her cartoons as if her uncle and big brother isn't having a screaming fest.

"I can handle his secret." I finally say. They both finally stopped their screaming. "I want to help support him as well." I say.

Then Hinata and Viktor continued screaming AND sobbing while they hugged me. "Oh yeah, Hinata did you turn off the fire?" I asked.

They both stopped again and looked at each other.

"I did." He said.

"I smell rice, Shoyo." Viktor-san gave Hinata a cheeky smile. "I know what you're making~" he teases.

"I'm making curry." Hinata says bluntly. "Not katsudon. I've just realized that we've just run out of pork." Hinata laughed.

Viktor-san started sobbing into Yuri-san's sweater. "HE ISN'T MAKING KATSUDON, YURI!! WAAAAH!! AND HIS CURRY IS TOO SPICY!!"

I tried my best to conceal my laughter. Hinata's uncles sure are something.

"Anyways, " Hinata said as he opened the rice cooker, to check on the rice. "The Tokyo Newspaper wants to interview me in two days." He says.

"Will you be coming to school?" I ask.

"No, but I'll be there for after school practice." He says.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Shoyo, you haven't picked out your theme for this year." Yuri-san remainded him.

"Ah! Yes! But I don't think they'll interview that yet, the Gran Prix finals isn't near." Hinata says.

I seriously have no idea what they're talking about.

The talk about ice-skating and occasionally volleyball (Hinata brought that up himself) went on even when we were eating. After that Hinata offered to walk me part of the way home.

"Your curry was nice." I complimented him. He smiled at me. "But next time please put a soft-boiled egg on mine." I demanded.

"Argh, sheesh, Kageyama." He sighed. "Do I look like I know how to make soft-boiled eggs?" He glared at me.

"YOU KNOW HOW TO MAKE CURRY AND KATSUDON AND WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE BUT YOU CAN'T MAKE SOFT-BOILED EGGS?!" I yell at him as I ruffled his hair roughly. Extra rough that usual.

"I'M SOWWY KAGEYAMA! OUCH! I'M GONNA GO BAAAAALDD!" Hinata cried as he tried to push my hand away.

Meanwhile, Tanaka POV:

"Nee-san, I feel like somebody is insulting my hair." Tanaka said in the middle of eating chips while watching a movie with his sister.

"Aw, sheesh, Ryuu." Saeko smacked her brother's head playfully. "Shut up and watch the movie." She sighed.

*they were watching Advengers: Endgame*

Back to Kageyama POV:

"SHUT UP!! YOU WON'T GO BAAAALLLDD!!" I yelled at him.

We continued arguing and talking about volleyball all the way until the intersection, where we would have to part.

"Well, see you at practice on Monday!" Hinata laughed as he patted my back. "Goodnight, Kags!" He waved at me as I walked off. I nodded at him in response.

All day and night, the only thing I would usually think about is volleyball. It would be strange if there was something else on my mind.

Right now ice-skating is on my mind.

I want to get home and use my computer to search up Hinata's double identity. I know I said that I would support him, but I didn't really think I would go all out in this.

"Mom, I'm home!" I yell as I opened the front door.

"Ah, Tobio!" My mom yelled back. "Hurry up and take a shower, I can smell you from here!" She laughed. "I'm making onigiri. Do you want some?" She asked.

"Sure, please send them up to my room, I'll be using my computer." I replied.

She sighed and laughed. "Always watching volleyball matches on the computer." She said to herself.

I chuckled. Not this time, for some reason.

After I showered I changed into a grey sweater and black sweatpants. Instead of watching old tapes of volleyball matches on my computer, I immediatly went and searched up Hinata's double identity.

"Ka...t..suki... Sho...t..a." I mutter to myseld as I typed. "Bingo."

All the pictures had some other guy. Wait, that's Hinata! He wore so much make-up and his usually messy hair is straight and tied up into a tiny ponytail. His hair lookes like Yurio-san's hair, but the ponytail was really tiny. His fringe was gelled back. I couldn't even reconize him if it wan't for Hinata telling me about his double identity.

Holy crap he looked like some model. On ice.

They are some pictures of Hinata in casual clothes, but in all of them he wore a beanie, mask and sunglasses.

"Tobio, I brought the onigiri." My mom said as she opened the door. "Is that Katsuki Shota? What a suprise, you're searching him up instead of watching volleyball." My mom laughed as she came beside me.

"You know him, mom?" I asked.

"Oh? You don't remember?" She said, suprised. "We watched him ice-skate before. It was your first time watching an ice-skating show. You left after his preformance ended." She remainded.

That was when it came to me. I remember it now. I had admired Hinata's grace on ice, his skill in such complex moves. After watching him it had given me motivation and inspiration to give gracefull and flawless tosses.

"My friend had grown intest in ice-skating." I lie. "I just want to see what's so special about it." I say. "Please tell me more about it, mom."

"Sure thing." She said.


Heyo! Its Author-chan!!^-^
I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!!
Thank you all for your support!
I really apreciate it!!☆☆☆

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