Chapter 11

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Hinata POV:

So I told Kageyama to call Daichi to inform him that I was 'sick'. After that he offered to take me to his house, I protested.

"Dumbass, how are you going to go home?" He sighed. "And wear the hoodie I gave you. You'll get a cold!"

He was right, I was starting to feel a bit cold. I opened up the folded black hoodie and put it on. It wasn't any ordinary black hoodie, it was the hoodie version of Kageyama's favourite t-shirt, the 'Setter Soul' t-shirt. I giggled.

"Wow. Seriously, Kags?" I teased.

"I never really liked this hoodie version. Its a bit too hot." He says, looking away.

I pouted. Rolling up the sleeves for this thing was a challenge. The hoodie was so huge and baggy, each time I rolled it up it would just fall back down, barely covering my fingers.

I sighed and pulled my mask up. It was slightly too big for me.

"My mom is on a buissness trip again." I explain.

"So you're going to your uncle's house?" Kageyama asked.

"Yes, Kags." I say and met his eyes.

"Are you sure you're sick?" He put his hands on my forehead again. I felt my face expload. "Damn, you're still pretty warm." He sighed. I felt more blood go up to my face.

Thank Asahi Kageyama has no idea the real reason why my forehead is hot.

"Do you want me to accompany you to your uncle's house? My house isn't that far from it." He offered.

"T-thanks Kags!" I stutter.

It took around half and hour for us to walk to the apartment. I took out the keys from my bag and unlocked the doors.

"Natsu?!" I shouted. "I'm back! Have you eaten?!"

I hear our shared bedroom door open, revealing Natsu, still in pyjamas with bread crumbs on her mouth. "Nii-chan!" She screamed and ran towards me. "I ate the ham sandwich uncle left for me before going out!"

"Hey! I told you to take a shower first before eating! And I bet you ate and watched YouTube in our room." I smirked.

She covered her face with her hands. She always does that when she's nervous. So I was correct.

"So... may I come in?" Kageyama peered behind.

"Nii-chan! Is that Tobio?" She asked.

I bit my lip.

"Oh wow, you actually talk about me to your family." I hear Kageyama tease.

I look behind and pout. "Sure, you can come in, Kags."

"Thank you. 'Scuse the intrution." He said and bowed slightly, before entering the house.

We placed our shoes on the shoe rack. Then Natsu decided to drag Kageyama around the house giving him a 'house tour'.

I chuckled to myself. At our home, everytime Natsu's friend comes by, she'd spend at least 15 miniutues giving her friend a house tour. I thought it was adorable. She'd show her friends her room, sometimes when I allow, my room, the living room, the kitchen, the-

Oh wait.

Why am I so stupid. (Literally one of my main life questions right now)

I allowed Kageyama inside and allowed Natsu give him a house tour.

Ah yes.

"Tobio Nii-chan! You should see all of Nii-chan's awards!" I hear Natsu pull Kageyama to the living room.

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