Chapter 17

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Here's a picture of my dog sliding off the couch while desperately trying to cling onto my leg as I write this chapter.

Hinata had a bunch of jumbled up thoughts having an F1 race in his head.

He got so distracted Viktor had to cut short their practice session.

"Is it about Tobio-kun?" Yuri asked his nephew as they made their way back to his apartment without Viktor. Viktor just had to 'abandon' Natsu at her daycare by accident. So of course, being the responsible and lovable uncle he was, he went to pick her up (he was forced by his husband).

"Part of it." Hinata replied honestly. If there was anyone he could trust, it would be 100% without fail be his dear uncle Yuri (definetely not Viktor, he literally just forgot to pick up Natsu from her daycare). "I'm not so sure about my feelings." Hinata sighed. "Plus we have that local competition soon! I gotta tell my team, and, and, an-"

"Shoyo, don't worry. I know it'll be hard, but I'm sure they'll except you." Yuri smilled as he ruffled his nephew's hair. "And don't worry about messing up your routine! You are awsome at ice skating! Remember that!"

"No, I didn't mean that. I mean, that is part of why I'm kinda stress. The other part is my mashed up, weird and weird and funny feelings towards Kageyama!" Hinata blurted out truthfully.

He recalled the memory of Kageyama pinning him against the wall.

"I like you." Kageyama ungracefully blurted out.

"K-KAGEYAMA WHAT??!" Hinata screamed as his face turned a into a million shades of red.

Kageyama suddenly was hyper aware of what he just said. He blushed and stuttered and stammered out random words, trying to make to cover up what ever the hell just happened.

"I want to marry you!" Kageyama yelled unintensionally.

"KAGEYAMA ARE YOU OKAY?!" Hinata screeched as Kageyama stared at him with his famous piercing glare while strengthening his hold on the redhead.

"Ndusjssoagss ssiahsksosieyj" Was all Kageyama stuttered out with a blushing face before he pushed Hinata out of his house.

It was still raining at that time, by the way.

"I still can't believe he pushed me into the rain!" The tangerine-haired boy huffed.

"Oh, Tobio-kun is probably just shy. You had it better than me. Don't tell this to Viktor though." Yuri giggled as Hinata braces himself, knowing that it'll probably be a hillarious story again. "One time I caught Viktor trying to make a breakfast in bed for my birthday." That first sentence alone already made Hinata at the verge of laughing his head off. "It was only 5.30 in the morning-"

"Wait why 5.30? Isn't that a little too early? You guys always wake up at 7!" Hinata laughed.

"He wasn't really the best at cooking back then. He took at least half an hour to make toast with butter." Yuri explained.

"Did that mean that Viktor didn't know how to make hamburgers back then?" Hinata gasped. His dear uncle Viktor was amazing at making hamburgers. Everyone in the family loved Viktor's hamburgers.

"Yep. He was so terrible back then Phicit and I had to burry them in the backyard. It's probably already decayed by now." Yuri giggled and pushed up his glassess. Hinata laughed along. "So anyways, I wrapped my arms around him to hug him as a way to say good morning. You wouldn't be able to guess what happened after that." 

"Did Viktor eat the pan?" Hinata laughed.

"Wait what? Viktor isn't some barbaric savage!" Yuri wheezed and laughed as he ruffled his nephew's hair. "Viktor, one, screamed like a woman, two, dropped the pan on his foot, three screamed again, for kicked me out of the house thinking I was a robber and four, left me outside only to find me waiting outside the door for an hour. ("Oh, Yuri! I didn't know you went out so early!")".

The duo laughed and joked around until they reached Yuri's apartment.

"I wonder what's Kageyama thinking right now. I bet he's freaking out about something." Hinata said out loud as he and Yuri washed the vegetables.


Kageyama was, in fact having a mental break down and freaking out.

His poor, unsuspecting sister was forced to become his therapist.

"Shh! Tobio! Zip your mouth!" Miwa hissed. Her brother was getting out of hand. His sudden gay panic prevented her from meeting up with her friends today.

"How can I?! I pushed him into the RAIN! And forced him to walk home in the RAIN! He definetely hates me now!" Kageyama screeched.

("A-aachooo!!!" Hinata sneezed all over his rice.

"Eww, big brother is gross!" Natsu whined. "Here, eat the gross fish, gross Sho!" She smilled and gave her share of steamed salmon to her big brother.

"Natsu! Eat your fish!" Yuri says and puts the fish back on her plate.)

"He probably does." Miwa shrugged.

"What?! You're supposed to be comforting me, not rubbing salt into my wounds! What kind of sister are you, Miwa???!" Kageyama screeched again and threw the pillow he was hugging to his sister, who caught it swiftly.

"Geez, stop being so loud and negative." She rolled her eyes as she tossed the unfortunate pillow aside. "If he hates you, he would've told you by now."

"Oh. That makes sense. He tells me everything." Kageyama calmed down.

"Your sudden gay panic really is driving me mad." Miwa groaned as she picked up one of her brother's volleyball manga as entertainment.

"WH-WHAT GAY PANIC??!" Tobio screeched again.


I am not dead.

Sorry for a leaving for so long, I ran out of ideas *bleh*

I do hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, even though its kinda shitty, in my opinion that is.


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