Chapter 16

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Third person POV:





Three loud gunshots filled Kageyama's bedroom, next followed by pained screams from Hinata.

"No! Hinata! No! You can't leave me like this!" Kageyama shouted to his bestfriend, panic and worry filled his voice.

"I'm so, so very sorry Kageyama..." Hinata's voice trailed off.



Practice seemed to stretch on forever, leaving the ginger no time to tell Kageyama about his adventures at the radio show. He didn't have ice-skating practice that day either, seeing as Viktor and Yuri had decided to stalk Yurio and Otabek on their date for blackmail. Everyone needed that break anyways.

"Dumbass, wanna come over to my house later?" Kageyama offered.

Hinata paused for a moment. His mom would be home earlier today, and she'll be the one fetching his little sister after school. "Sure, why not." Hinata grinned up at his friend. "Let me message my mom and uncles first, to not worry them."

Before you knew it, the two boys were walking side by side to the setter's house, occasionally arguing about the most useless things like 'do fish sweat' or 'which came first, the chicken or the egg'. They reached the raven's house safely.

Hinata imediately bowed and apologized for the intrution, only to have Kageyama laugh and tell him his parents wouldn't be home until later that day and his sister had probably just when out with her friends. Hinata blushed and pouted in embarassment as he followed Kageyama up to his bedroom.

Hinata looked around his room, eyes like a wondering puppy, which Kageyama honestly thought was a bit adorable. Hinata's orange hair bounced slightly at everytime he'd turn his head.

Kageyama's bedroom was fairly simple, having a super single bed, covered by dark blue and black bedsheets at the far corner to the left of his bedroom with a window above a white night stand. Kageyama imediatly closed the black curtains and gestured Hinata to lay his bag at the side of his bed. Across from the bed, Kageyama had a not-so-small (to Kageyama) TV and a Playstation 4 on the table.

"Woah Kags, where do you do your homework?" Hinata laughed a bit as he picked up a volleyball from the floor.

"I take out another table and put it in the middle of the room." He said while digging through his white wardrobe. "You'll be staying the night right? Here." He tossed a white T-shirt to Hinata. "That's from my middle school days. I've grown out of it but I think it'll fit you just fine. I don't think I have any pants that would fit you, you don't mind just wearing boxers right?" Hinata nodded in agreement.

After the boys had showered and changed they went down to Kageyama's kitchen to rumage for something to eat.

"Geez, Kageyama. Why are there such a limited amount of foods in here??" Hinata pouted as he threw away a carton of rotton eggs. "Isn't there something that dosen't need cooking? Instant bento? There's not even bread in here!"

"Well, I can't cook and my parents are never home early to cook for me!" Kageyama snapped back in embarassment.

"So what do you even eat?"

"Instant food."

"That isn't healthy, Kags."

"Well then, what do you expect me to do?!"

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