Chapter 2

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Meanwhile, at Karasuno:

Kageyama POV:
There is a really great chance Hinata might be quitting volleyball. I mean, it was the first official tornament (with a real team) he's been too, and losing might have crushed his spirits.

Maybe we weren't treating him good enough. Maybe we didn't give him enough attention. Maybe-

"Woah, Kageyama you look really pissed!" Suga said and patted my shoulder.

"Is the king thinking about the little orange~?" Tsukishima mocked.

"Nice one, Tsukki!" Yamaguchi praised.

"Thats not it, you salty-ass telephone pole!" I yelled at Tsukishima.

"What's the problem, Kags?" Suga said like the concerened mother crow he is.

"I have a feeling that Hinata wants to quit volleyball." I decided to come clean with Suga, knowing even if I don't he would keep on bugging me about it.

Suga just laughed at what I said. "You think Hinata would quit just because we lost to Aoba Johsai?" Suga continued laughing as he wiped away tears. "Hinata wouldn't give up so easily! Don't think too much about it, Kageyama!" And with that, Suga walked off to continue practicing.

They all don't get it. I know Hinata better than anyone on this team. Well, besides Nishinoya and Tanaka. Amd maybe the third years and Yamahuchi. That settles it! I have to be the one who treats Hinata better!

Ever since we joined Karasuno's volleyball club, I've been treating him the worst. Worst than Saltyshima.

He's probaly sick of my crap and upset. So I must treat him better!

Meanwhile at the ice-skating ring:

Third person POV:

"ACHOOO!" Hinata sneezed in the middle of doing a triple axel and fell down on his right cheek.

"Aahh! Shoyo fell on his face while sneezing! Viktor, bring the first aid kit!" Yuri screamed.

Back to Karasuno~

Kageyama POV:

If only I had treated him better I wouldn't be doing all this crap. What do I do to treat him better? In my point of view Hinata is the one person who I've been paying the most attention to. And I think I'm already treating him really well.

I observed Suga and the others. They constantly praised each other and looked out for each other. Maybe I should do the same for Hinata...

*le time skip brought to you by mantou~*

While Daichi was buying us porkbuns I was too busy racking my brains on ways to treat the little ball of sunshine better.

"What's up, Kags?" Nishinoya said and gave me a porkbun.

"Don't call me Kags and do you know what I can do to treat someone better?" I asked Nishinoya ('cause he's always chasing after Shimizu-senpai with Tanaka).

"What's this? Does our Kageyama have a crush~?" Tanaka mocked.

"No I don't. I just want to know how to treat someone better." I explained.

"Well, first you gotta get to know that person better. After knowing that person better, you would know what they want." Tanaka said while tapping his chin.

"You should look out for that person more! Give 'em some praise when they do something good!" Nishinoya said proudly.

"Ah, maybe you could try having lunch together with that person to know them better." Asahi said.

"What's with those shoujo manga sugestions?" Nishinoya laughed.

"If it were me, I would show my affection to them in everything I do to them!" Tanaka said and put his hands on his hips.

"Good job, Ryuu! Straight up flirting with them, am I right?!" Nishinoya exclaimed.

"I wasn't even talking about love in the first place..." I say.

"I would take it slow..." Asahi said nervously.

"Shut up beardie, what do you know?" Daichi came in and patted Asahi's shoulder.

"E-eh??!" Asahi said suprised.

"Kageyama, if you wanna treat someone better, I suggest you act softer around them." Daichi said and crossed his arms.

"Judging by how Kageyama always has a grumpy or angry face on, I think you should soften your expression too!" Suga said as he peeped from behind Daichi.

"I don't think the king would be able to do that." Tsukishima said.

"Tsukki that's kinda rude." Yamaguchi said.

"Shut up, Yamaguchi."

"I'm sorry, Tsukki."

"Ah, see?! Most importantly you'd better not act like Tsukishima over there!" Tanaka shouted and pointed his index finger at Tsukishima.

"At least I'm not as loud and annoying as you." Tsukishima scoffed.

"You bastard! Is this how you treat your senpai?!" Nishinoya yelled.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my short senpai." Tsukishima sneered and walked away with Yamaguchi trailing behind him.

"Just don't act like a jerk." Suga said and patted my back as we watched Daichi and Ennoshita try to hold back Tanaka amd Nishinoya from chasing after Saltyshima." Got that, Kageyama?"

I nodded and said my goodbyes to the team.

No wonder Hinata wants to quit. I've probaly never gave him enough praise and comfort. Not to mention everytime he's near me he tenses up. He's probaly afraid of me. He probaly hates me.

Meanwhile at the ice-skating ring :

Third person POV:

"Brrr... it feels colder than usual." Hinata said and wrapped his arms around himself.

"How's your face? It was bleeding pretty badly just now." Yurio laughed.

"Achoo!" Hinata sneezed.

"Maybe Shoyo got a little sick?" Yuri said and handed Hinata a pack of tissues.

Back to Kageyama~~

Kageyama POV:

As soon as I finished dinner I went upstairs to finish my homework.

'Mathematics excersize book, page 155...' I thought.

I stared at my homework for 2 minutues straight.'What? What the hell is all this?! You know what, screw it. I'd rather get scolded by my sensei tomorow.' I thought and flopped on my bed.

'Damn this Hinata!' I thought 'You'd better not be quitting volleyball!'

Hinata POV:

*and also time skip to the next day*

Urgh! Yesterday's practice did not go well! And it was the first day I practiced with Yurio! I totally made a fool of myself!

As I neared Karasuno High, saw a familiar raven-haired setter playing their handphone.

I tried to creep pass Kageyama but-

"Oi dum- Hinata! Why didn't you greet me?" Kageyama said and grabbed my colar.

"Eh? I thought you were waiting for a girlfriend or something so I went ahead!" I say trying to get out of his grasp.

"No? I was waiting for you." Kageyama said bluntly. "Lets go." He said and walked off.

'Eh? What did I do? Its only 6.45 in the morning! I'm not late today! Why? Is he angry?' I internally screamed.


Heyo! Its Author-chan! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

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