*Gellert Grindewald*

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Imagine being the secret pet of Gellert.

Nekos were really rare. Get they trust was even harder. But if you earned it, they are the most loyal friends you can ever get.

Gellert was coming home from his walk in the park. But then heard weird noises in a dark alley. He grabbed his wand and slowly walked near when the sound was coming from.

He did expect a lot of thing. But not even in a 100 years did he expect a female neko fighting with what looked like a peace of cardboard.

You looked cute in his eyes. When you finally noticed him, you stopped playing with the cardboard and got into fighting position. Hissing at him like a warning.

He just smirked at you and crouched before you giving you some personal space. He took out some of the sweets he buyed and extended his hand with the sweets on his palm to you.

You stopped hissing your tail swaying behind you. You slowly walked closer to him. Not breaking eye contact with him you cautiously grabbed one piece of the sweet and guickly jumped back.

He just smiled at your reaction. A real smile. You sniffed the sweet first. Then looked at him. And then took a bite out of it. You carefully chewed it and then took another big bite.

He smiled at you. When you were done eating you carefully walked closer to him. He carefully extended his hand once more.

You angled your head so he would scratch behind your ears. He got the message and started carefully rubbing behind them enjoying your purrs.

That was months ago. He earned your trust and then took you to his home. He didn't show you to anyone, fearing they may do something to you.

Now your were naked in his bed bumping Gellerts pillow like a horny animal in heat.

Oh wait you are....

Your heat started a few days ago but Gellert have a important job and can't take care of you now. You were trying to hide it from him but you still know he was slowly catching on.

You moaned as you inhaled more of his scent. You were trying so hard to cum because if you will see him. You wouldn't be able to hold back any more.

My eyes widened when I heard him saying spells to unlock his room. I guickly started cleaning his bed.

Meanwhile he was a little concerned when he saw you on laying on his bed only in his shirt and your panties.

You looked pretty sweaty and hot. He walked over to you and sited on the other side of his bed.

"kitten is something wrong?" he asked gently not wanting to scare you.

You were thinking of telling him but then your shy side got to you and you blushed.

"n-no it's just pretty.... Hot in here" you lied. He looked at you with his mis-matched eyes.

He sighed and got up from the bed. "I will get you some ice" he said and walked out of the room again.

He walked down into the kitchen where he saw Queenie cooking something.

Queenie was the only one who knew of you, because she was going to meet Gellert but came a little sooner then expected and saw you. Then Gellert needed to explain everything to her.

But she promised to keep it a secret.

When she saw him she smiled.

"good evening sir. Is everything alright you are looking pretty concerned." she asked.

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