Edward Scissorshand

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Reguested by: @BayBay08
Reguest: what about one where the reader saves Edward Scissorshand from bullyed and she walks him back to the inventor (alive at the time) and he thanks her for saving Edward after that. After that Edward and the reader become friends

Imagine saving Edward from bullying

(e/c) = your eye colour

You were living in a small town. No not town. A village. Yeah you were living in a village. You had a market a cinema but not much people lived in here.

Right now you were walking home from your work, ready to jump on your bed and fall asleep. You were really tired. When you looked up you saw the old mansion on the top of the hill.

You always wondered who lived there. If someone lived there. Your father told you to never come even close to it. You always wondered why.

Your mother left you when you were born, she was cheating on your dad and abusing you. Now she has another family. You highly doubt that she even thinks about you.

You passed the market when you heard someone yelling. You grew nervous. But then you heard it. "Please stop...". Immediately you grew enough courage and runned to where you heard the voice.

In the dark alley besides the market were your childhood bullies beating a young boy. When you looked closer you could see that the boy had scissorshand for fingers?

You ignored it and runned to one of the bullies, pushing him to the ground. He looked up at you. "Let him go!" you screamed into his face. The other two bullies looked at you surprised.

The boy on the ground looked up at you with glossy eyes full of tears. You ignored it and punched the bully on the ground in the nose making it bleed. He screamed in pain." What are you looking at?! Get her!" the one on the ground screamed at the other two. The looked at each other and tryed to grab you, but you were faster.

You grabbed one's arm and twisted it making him scream and run away. The other swinged his fist into your nose making it bleed too. He grabbed your neck and pushed you into the wall.

The boy on the ground standed up and jumped onto the bully's back. He didn't cut him with any of his scissors or knifes or whatever he has on his hands. He just pushed him making him drop you. The bully on the ground standed up and looked at you and the bullied boy. The two bullies looked at you two.

You grabbed the bullied boys hands making his scissors and knifes shine in the moonlight more. The bullies growled. "This Isn't the end (Y/N)" one of them said and then runned away with the other one.

You released a sigh you didn't know you were holding. The boy looked at you and then hugged you. You took a deep breath to calm your racing heart and hugged him back.

"Tank you" he said. You smiled and patted his back. "It's okay buddy. Do you want me to walk you home?" you asked. He looked at you. As small as he looked you were barely the same high. He smiled gracefully and nodded.

"So where do you live..." "Edward. And I live there" he said and motioned one of his knifes to the mansion on top of the hill.

Your eyes widened a little and you nodded. You grabbed his forearm and started walking with him to the mansion. You were talking all the way ignoring the looks of other people.

"So where is your dad?" you asked suddenly. He smiled. "He's home. How about you?" he asked. "My is home too" you smiled. "What about your mother?" he asked. You stopped all the memories of your abusive mother coming back to you.

He looked at you and then looked at the ground ashamed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't ask that. It was a bad guestion I know" he said. You took a deep breath and smiled at him.

You put your index finger and thumb under his chin making him look up at you. You didn't even notice how close your faces were. But he seemed to notice so. His face became the brightest shade of red as he looked into your (e/c) gems.

"My mom abused me and cheated on my dad. Now she is gone." You said without any self doubt. You didn't know why you were telling him it. He was a complete stranger to you, but you had a feeling that you could trust him.

"I never met my mother too" he said. You suddenly felt really sorry for him. You smiled and hugged him. The rest of the walk was pretty silent.

When you got to the mansion you started getting nervous. You didn't know why. Edward seemed to notice. "Don't worry" he said and started walking faster. He walked to the big door and knocked twice.

You were waiting besides hik with your arms behind your back. You felt really awkward. Suddenly the door opened and a man with crazy grey hair looked at Edward.

He seemed to ignore you and immediately hugged Edward. "My child. Edward I was so worried about you" he said. You smiled at the two and tryed to silently go away.

The man - who you guessed was Edward's father - looked at you. He came to you and hugged you tightly. "Thank you for bringing my Edward back" he said. You smiled and petted his back. "Anytime mister".

After that he took you inside where you three had tea together, you learned why he had scissors and knifes for fingers. After that you and Edward become best friends.

And after his 'father' died, you were the one to take him inside your home.

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