*Edward Scissorshand*

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Reguested by: okdanmaardit
Reguest: I would like an imagine were the reader needs to help Edward scissors hands with showering *smut* love your stories 🖤
Also this one is pretty bad

He was an idiots. But he was your idiot. You knew he cared for his garden. But you didn't think like this... But let's just start from the beginning.

It was a few months back that the incident in the town happened. Since then you were living with Edward in his mansion.

You made it a little more homey. Last night was a pretty big storm and Edward was scared for his garden. You almost tyed him to his bed so he wouldn't go outside.

But then in the morning he sneaked out of the house to check on his garden. And now he was standing in front of you, looking at the ground like a child ready to be scolded.

There was mud all over him. On his knifes and scissors, even in his hair. How it got there you had no idea.

You took a deep breath so you wouldn't scream at him. He was like a lost puppy. You grabbed his hand gently and walked with him to the bathroom you made.

It was pretty big with a shower and a bathtub. You opened the door and pushed him in.

"undress and take a shower" you said and started walking out. Then it clicked. You looked back and was Edward trying to take his shirt off; ripping it accidentally.

You sighed knowing you won't get out of this this time. You pulled the rest if his shirt off of him. Then you slowly took off his pants, Edward was looking at you the whole time not understanding why you were blushing so hard.

You then closed your eyes and motioned for him to get into the shower. He did as he was silently told to do.

He tryed to warm up the water but ended up making it freezing, so you guickly stepped beside him and turned it into a enjoyable warmth.

He smiled at you gracefully. That damn smile if his.

"c-coudl you help me?" he asked. You sighed knowing you must. You took off all of your clothes and stepped with him into the shower.

His eyes looked over your body, his cheeks tinted with pink.

You sighed and started slowly cleaning him. He was a little surprised when you put shampoo into his hair but eventually calmed down.

You took a deep breath and slowly moved to his inner tight. He didn't seem bothered at all, still looking at you with that small smile of his.

You closed your eyes and guickly brushed over his cock. What you didn't expect is that he moaned.

He guickly covered his mouth with his hands; one of his scissor barely missing his eye.

You smiled at him.

"sorry" you said pulling your hand back. But he grabbed it carefully to not hurt you and guided it back to his manhood.

"N-no... Can you do it again?" he asked softly. You smiled at him and started stroking him. Slowly at first but then faster.

You stand behind him. He didn't look like it but he was a tall boi.

He started moaning your name when he felt a knot build up in the pit of his stomach. He was even a little scared of what was happening to him.

He unintentionally bucked his hips a few times and came. He closed his eyes. His hands roughly pressed against the wall and breathing heavily.

You smiled and kissed his lips. You wanted to get out of the shower but he carefully grabbed your hips leaning his head against your shoulder.

"Don't go. I want you to feel good too" he said. You smiled at how cute he is.
He knew he couldn't use his hands like you did. So he did the most logical thing.

He slowly slid himself inside you. You moaned his name at how good it felt. He smiled to himself knowing he is making you feel good too.

He started moving slowly. He was moving his hands a lot not knowing what to do with them. After a while he settled his hands on the wall, away from your head so he wouldn't hurt you.

Another knot started forming in his stomach. You started moaning his name. You were almost sure that people in the down town could hear you two but you couldn't care less.

You moaned his name loudly when you came. He pulled out and came right after you. Both of you breathing heavily. You smiled and kissed his lips.

He smiled and carefully hugged back.

"I love you" he said guietly. You smiled and kissed his lips again. "I love you too"

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