Ichabod Crane

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Okay guys sorry this took me so long to do. You know since school 'started' I have a lot of work so. Really sorry. Aslo thank you so much for 10k views. I really appreciate it.

Reguested by: @johnnydeppisbabyy

Reguest: Could you do a reverse comfort type of thing where Ichabod is super scared after he wakes up from a nightmare about his mother so he frantically wakes up reader and she has to hold him and comfort him. I love reverse comfort so much.

I just wanna say that I'm not that good at comforting people so it may show in this imagine.

Imagine having to comfort Ichabod after a nightmare

Young Ichabod is running in the middle of the forest, basically dragging young (Y/N) with him.

They are friends from a young age and he wants to show her what his mother can do. She is excited but Ichabod is so fast she is glad she can breath.

When they run into the clearance his mother is in there spinning with some flowers. He can hear (Y/N) laugh and looks over at her seeing her do the same thing as his mother.

He is smiling until his mother lets out a blood stopping scream. His eyes widens as he see her fly into the sky with blood seeping out from the small holes all over her body. But when he looks over at (Y/N) she is still happily playing with the wind. He closes his eyes and slowly calms himself down.

When he is completely calm he heard (Y/N) scream this time. When he looks over he can see her screaming as the headless rider runs from behind a tree and slices (Y/N)'s head off.

He wanted to run but he couldn't. His body was frozen in shock. It is his fault this happened. He promised you nothing will hurt you... And he failed.

Suddenly he woke up....

His body shot up into a sitting position. Cold sweat running down his body. His hair sticking to his forehead. He started hipper ventilating as he looked over.

He didn't process that is was close to 3:13 in the morning as he practically jumps on you and starts shaking you screaming things like: 'Wake up (Y/N)' ' please tell me you aren't dead' 'please my doe wake up'

You wake up screaming too. His eyes widenes as be hugs you so tight you can barely breath. "What's wrong honey?" you ask with the last of your breath. He looks you over.

The still visible scar that runs all the way your chest is still visible. But at least your head is in its place. You grab Ichabod's cheeks and force him look you in the eyes. "What's wrong?" you asked with a harsher tone.

When he opens his mouth to speak. Only a broken sob leaves his moth as his eyes starts to gloss again. New tears streaming down his face as he goes practically limp on your arms.

You slowly sit up against the head board and hold him close. You knew he had one of those bad dreams. He always blames himself for what happened to you.

When the headless rider attacked Catherine you jumped in front of her. A big slice starting to on your collar bone and ending near the opposite beats was a big reminder of it.

After what could be hours or only a few minutes he calmed down. You massaged his scalp helping him calm down the whole time.

When he cammed down he slowly sits up looking into your eyes and kissing you. You smiled and kissed him back.

When he pulled away he hugs you close again. "Wanna talk about it?" you asked almost whispering. "Maybe in the morning" he whispered back. You smiled and slowly lay down with his on your chest.

Immediately when you lay down his eyes closed and he fall asleep. You smiled and kissed his head.

"Sweet dreams honey" you said looking outside at the full moon slowly falling asleep...

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