Chapter 3

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"There must be a stationary shop somewhere around here"

P'Zee muttered, glancing around. Saint doing the same, pulling on his backpack strap.

"Thank you for coming with me. You didn't have to though" Saint smiled at Zee.

P'Zee softly smile back and replied "Stop worrying about it"

"You are such a nice person" Saint went on complimenting him " Your girlfriend is going to be really lucky"

Zee chuckled nervously and dug his trembling hands in his pocket. Gosh he hated that this young boy gets him so nervous.
"I don't have a girlfriend"

"Really?" Saint asked , surprised "How come? You look so handsome and have a really kind heart"

Officer bit his lips at the compliment and glanced down at his feet while walking, smiling to himself. "There is someone I like though" He muttered , low.

"And??" Saint asked, excitedly looking at officer who was looking ahead, smiling shyly.

"I haven't confessed yet" Officer simply replied.

"Ohh" Saint replied, his lips pouting "I can understand. Its scary"

"Um hmm" P'Zee nodded his head, smiling.

"But Don't worry!  Saint said , smiling confidently "You're gonna get together in no time. I can see it happening. I ship you guys! "

P'Zee laughed softly at his clueless and polite behavior.

They walked for a while. P'Zee was still lost in their previous conversation when Saint pointed in a direction and muttered "There"

It was a small bookstore and luckily they found what they were looking for and head back to  Win.

"Thank you so much khub" Win put his palms together and bowed , grinning from ear to ear.

"You're welcome" Mick smiled politely, "Just don't tell anyone I helped you"

"Khubbb" Win stretched the word, smiling.

"Whats going on?" P'Zee asked, suspiciously looking at Win "Did you do something again? God ! I can't leave this boy alone"

"The only thing I did is to get your old ass car repaired" Win replied, pouting.

"You got it repaired?" Zee asked, checking the car.

"Yes. It can fly now" Win replied sarcastically, already sitting in the passenger seat.

"Uh.. You were sitting on the backseat" Zee said, opening the door of driver's seat.

Win looked at him with a poker face then suddenly smiled sarcastically "Luckily there was no glue on the backseat so I can move myself to sit here in front too"

"See?" Win said and got up a little to pat his bum "no glue".

Zee bite the inside of his cheeks and nodded once "Fair enough"

Saint got in the back seat and Officer drove them towards their houses. He slowed down his car, checking the traffic left and right while muttered "Can you guys walk from here. I need to be back at my station right now"

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