Chapter 7

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"List of disorders can as long as you want it to be. In this class, we'll discuss only few of the commonly found psychological disorders"

Teacher said, moving her hands holding markers. She turned her back to the class and started writing the topics of  discussion on white board.

Win sighed, resting his chin on his palm. He stared ahead at board but his mind was absent. He didn't go home last night and spent the night at Saint's house. Doctor said he didn't has any serious injury but he still got two stitches on his head, resulting in a bandaid around his forehead and few minor wounds that they cleaned with antiseptic.

He blinked at the board, looking at teacher's lips moving but he heard no sound coming out. He looked down at his arm.

"Come hurry!"

In his head, he heard Bright yelling that to him right before he pulled Win behind the iron bin to protect themselves.

Win closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to forget everything.

"You okay?" Saint whispered, sitting besides him, taking notes from whiteboard.

Win looked at him with droopy eyes and nodded.
"Yeah I just feel a little dizzy"

Saint looked at his wrapped forehead and nodded "Lets skip rest of the lectures and go home?"

Win nodded, now looking at board again . He muttered "Yeah, I need to go home and explain some stuff"

"Another disorder is BPD. Borderline personality disorder. Sufferer will feel overwhelming attraction. They would frequently lose their temper and have extreme anger and jealousy issues . They  hate to be alone and would go to intense measurement to avoid rejection. People like that are nightmare if they ever fall in love with you. Affected People can lose  contact with reality and would act irrationally.

Reason of this disorder is expected to be childhood trauma , genetics or brain abnormalities."

Teacher continued the class and Win just stared at the board with sleepy eyes.

Bright tapped his foot against the wooden table, impatiently waiting for the screen on his laptop to load. After couple seconds, he narrowed his eyes as the data in small font appeared on the screen.

He tapped few more laptop keys and zoomed in .

"Hi My name is Win"

"Why did you kiss me that night?"

"I won't move from this rail until you ask me to"


All these sentences echoed in Bright's mind repetitively. He had never seen Win this closely before. He still tried to help Bright when he himself was injured and shitless scared.

"Are you done yet?" Gun asked, impatiently, standing behind Bright, bowed forward to look at screen.

Bright blinked and shook his head. Moving the curser on the blank screen.

"Damn it" Gun muttered and pushed himself away from the computer.

"Stop acting irrational my impatient boys" Gunther said, sipping on his beer first thing in the morning. He then looked at Bright and continued "Once we hack into Police database system, We'll be able to act on this plan further"

"That sounds close to impossible!" Mike exclaimed. Gunther nodded "It might sound crazy but I've planned this for years. We'll destroy the roots of this police station and take revenge for Bright"

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