Chapter 24

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Win felt his body shivered as he stared into Bright's eyes. Bright broke the eye contact and placed his mouth on Win's neck, mumbling "Why so wide eyes huh?"

The movement of his lips vibrated Win's bare throat. His shaky hands slowly climbed Bright's back and held on tight, clenching his jacket as Bright sucked on his neck.

"You caught me off guard"  Win mumbled , still staring ahead, trying to calm his racing heart under the roof of stars and dark sky.

Bright chuckled softly as he placed random small kisses on his neck. Win's hand went into Bright's hair, his throat feeling tight. He can't imagine this boy to go against him once Gun reveal his identity. With both hands, Win grabbed Bright's face and before he could react, Win pressed their lips together. He didn't even give Bright time to stand straight.

The kiss was extremely gentle and slow. There was no hint of lust in it. It was as if Win was trying to tell him something that he can't say by words.

He pulled apart and heard Bright sighing with a very subtle smile.

"Why are you here at this hour?" Win asked suddenly afterward, walking few steps away, Bright quietly followed him with his hands tied behind his back.

"You didn't reply my texts and spent the whole day with that sissy friend of your's" Bright replied, Although he was not smiling but his voice sounded very playful and happy.

Win turned around to give him a glare before turning back again " I am not your pet so I am allowed to hang out with other people as well"

"If pets are bound to stay with their masters, then I might as well make you one" Bright voice came from behind. Win didn't has to turn back , he can already tell Bright was smirking. A small smile appeared on his face as he shook his head looking at the ground.

Both of them kept strolling quietly in the empty field, with Bright few steps behind Win. Both of them were walking in sync as if tied by an invisible thread of luck and love. Win didn't ask him why he was walking behind and took a deep breath.

"Win?" Bright spoke after a long moment of silence.

"Hm?" Win hummed but didn't turn back. He was busy admiring the dew drops fallen on dark grass.

When Bright didn't say anything, Win stopped walking and turned back with a frown. Bright was initially sitting on one knee. As soon as Win turned back without a warning, Bright got startled and changed the position of his other foot , now he was sitting on both feet.

"What are you doing?" Win asked, surprised.

"T-Tying my shoe laces" Bright replied, making his tone colder. Due to the hurried foot moment, he was rather sitting in an uncomfortable position.

Win gaze down at his shoes and replied "Your shoes don't have laces"

Bright looked down at his shoes as well. It was true.

"Shut up. Don't speak or  I'll tie you instead" Bright mumbled, walking pass Win angrily. Win chuckled. He could tell Bright was embarrassed. Thanks to the worries that had filled his mind, he didn't investigate Bright further.

But as they continued to walk , he noticed Bright was rather quiet and was acting out of character.

"How long are we gonna walk? Where do you plan on going?" Win complaint. His feet were already sore from running before.

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