Chapter 5

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Hi. To avoid any confusion. By Gun here I mean GunSmile not Gun Athapan haha
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"This is where you go every other day?"

Both guys got startled and pulled away from the kiss. Bright's hand immediately went for his gun on the ground just in case he needed to defend himself.

But he looked at the guy and his muscles relaxed a bit.

"Move aside!" Bright mumbled, frustrated and hit Win's abdomen, getting himself to stand up.

Win groaned in pain and rolled over, whispering a curse.

"Gun what are you doing here?" Bright asked, tugging his weapon behind his jeans.

"What are you doing here?" Gun asked, pressing on the same question. He looked at Win who was still sitting and pointed his finger towards him with disgust on his face "and with him! What are you doing with this kid?"

"None of your business . Lets go" Bright said, giving a little push to Gun's shoulder, encouraging him to walk.

Gun looked at Bright's hand on his own shoulder. It was trembling slightly . Bright felt like he was caught red handed, as if he did something wrong.

"Hey you!" Gun shouted, looking at Win who was brushing his clothes now standing up "What do you want from Bright"

Win looked up and moved his sight to Bright, not saying a word.

"You fucking answer when I ask something!" Gun yelled , frustrated and pulled out his gun, pointing at Win.

Bright immediately held his hand with a force that made Gun look at Bright's face with  questioning expressions.

"I had no bad intentions I just-"  Win saw the ruckus and moved forth but stopped abruptly when Bright pulled out his own gun and aimed at Win, warning him not to come ahead any further.

"Lets leave"  Bright muttered and put his gun back, already walking away. Gun gave one last glare to Win but then walked in the direction Bright went.

Leaving Win alone.

Win went up to his home. Luckily his dad was on duty so there was no one to yell at him. He sat on his bed and sighed.

Finally when he thought they were making progress, someone had to come and interrupt.

"Ughh that stupid guy with dangerous gun !"  Win yelled frustrated and threw himself back on bed.

He felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He immediately thought of Bright. Maybe he texted to apologise?

He hurriedly pulled out his phone but was soon disappointed to read the sender's name. It was a message from Mike saying "Win?"

"Fuck you" Win sent the reply and tossed his phone away.

He picked his phone again after multiple beeps and saw he had 3 new messages from Mike.

Mike: Hey! What did I do?"
Mike: Anyways I need help
Mike:Is your brother coming to pick you up tomorrow? Or any other day?

Win frowned at the message but didn't think much of that and replied him with a "maybe. I'll ask later"

"You can stop following me now" Bright said, trying hard not to get mad.

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