Chapter 8

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Hi just a small note. This story might have mature content and Wattpad sometimes private the mature content containing chapters (Happened to one of my story in the past idk if it was about setting or something)
And many people complaint that they can't find certain chapters. (Somehow they're visible to people who follow your profile)

Follow my account on wattpad to avoid any unnecessary problem in the future.

"I need to talk to you" Type said, sitting at the edge of Win's bed. Win sat up straight, making space for his brother to sit down and  looked at him with clueless eyes.
Type seems to be struggling at finding words.

"What is it phi?" Win asked. Type looked at him and spoke "You know you can trust me right?"

Win nodded, still confused where this conversation is going.

"I know dad sometimes get very harsh with you and I'm afraid you're gonna start lying about stuff to avoid him nagging you" Type said, holding Win's hand "But you know I love you so much and would always support you no matter what"

"I know phi" Win replied, sighing "You're the only one who stands up for me in front of dad"

"Just so you know he loves you too Win" Type replied and Win rolled his eyes, muttering "yeah sure"

"Win I am serious" Type replied "He is just a little strict"

"If you say so" Win replied, not really in the mood of arguing.

"If you have gotten yourself in trouble, you can tell me" Type replied, looking at Win's injured forehead " I'll surely find a way out for you"

Win looked down, thinking. His brother was looking at him with pleading eyes and he really felt bad that he lied to him. But he won't be seeing Bright anymore and whats in the past should stay in the past. No one has to know about it.

"There is really nothing to tell P'Type" Win replied , smiling "It was really a small incident"

"You sure?" Type looked at him with doubtful eyes.

"Yes phi" Win lazily stretched his words and looked at his brother with tired eyes "Have I ever lied to you before?"

Type gave him a look and Win chuckled, saying "Alright I lie at first but eventually tells you the truth"

"You keep on hiding the issue until dad finds out. Only then you come running to me for help. It has been like this since childhood who are you trying to fool here" Type chuckled, standing up.

"Better late than never na" Win coated, smiling at his brother adorably.

Type smiled widely and ruffled Win's hair, saying "You are so adorably stupid I'm scared someone might take advantage of you"

"Yes I am a virgin little maid who must be protected at all cost" Win replied, chuckling "You should rest phi. You have to go on duty tomorrow morning"

Type nodded "Yeah okay I'll let you to get back to your work then"

"Oh Phi!" Win whined, looking towards the window to avoid looking at his brother.

"What is it? Did I already ruin the mood?" P'Type teased, bending forward to look at Win's face.

"Leave my room now!" Win yelled playfully, hitting his older brother with his pillow who laughed and left the room after saying Good night.

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