Chapter 21

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"Lets do the medical test" Zee suggested. Type didn't say anything but his lowered gaze hinted that he somewhat agreed with the idea.

"Why?" Win questioned, panicking "There is no need"

"No need?" Type asked, raising his head "I am this close to beat the life out of that bastard" Type raised his fingers and made a pinching gesture.

Win stared at his hands, worried.

"But I want to do this legally" He said, standing up and held Win's hand, encouraging him to get up.

Win got up and gently pulled his arm out of Type's grip and shook his head "If you don't trust me then I don't need your help phi"

Type gave him a bewildered look "Since when did you grow up so much that you'll handle things without my help?"

"Phi" Win wined and looked down. Type held his arm and dragged him out of office with Zee following them.

"Where are we going?" Win asked, stumbling. Type gently pulled him to walk


"Right now??" Win almost yelled. His brother isn't even giving him time to explain.

Type turned his head back and glared at him "No? Is next year's appointment okay for Your Highness?"

"P'Type I don't like it" Win confessed but quietly sat down in  car when his brother opened the door for him.

Type sat down and put the seatbelt over his younger brother's shoulder "Do you think I am doing this because I like it? "

Win gave him a helpless look and tried again "Its not what you think"

"I really hope so" Type said and started the engine "I have to find out myself"

Win clicked his tongue and slumped back in his seat, biting his finger nail.

Zee sat in the back seat, texting someone anxiously.

Win stayed quiet the whole ride and stared out the window in distress. Finally the car stopped outside hospital.

Type came out and circled around the car to open Win's door but Win had locked it from inside.

"Win stop being childish" Type scolded, pulling on the handle but Win refused to open. Zee smacked his head and opened the lock from inside and they came out of the car.

"P'Zee had hit me now I won't go inside!" Win tried again and folded his arms across his chest. Type completely ignored him and held his arm, dragging him inside.

As soon as they stepped inside, Win felt his inside shivering. He particularly hated hospitals. Where-ever you look, you are expected to find wounded and broken people.

Win's upper lip raised in distress and Zee initiated the conversation "I'll take the appointment"

Type nodded and kept standing with Win while Zee walked away. Now that Win had seen there is no way to stop the examination, he gently tugged Type's sleeves and whispered "I have to something to tell"

Type turned to him patiently, no look of surprise on his face. He knew his brother well. He always hide something and refuses to tell until the last moment.

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