Chapter 2

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Emily's POV
"Hey,remember me?" Honestly I got a little scared. I turned around and saw Hayes. He had big blue eyes, and brown hair. I used to have a huge crush on him before the incident."Yeah weren't you at the bus stop this morning?" I whispered back. He was sitting in the seat behind me so it was kind of hard to talk to him without getting caught by the teacher."Yeah that was me. Since your new here do you want me to walk you around and show you where everything is?" He asked."Uh, yeah I have science next, so if you could show me where that is that would be great." I smiled back at him and he nodded his head.

"Okay class make sure to be on time tomorrow. You are now dismissed." The teacher announced as we all fled out of the class room.
"Emily, Emily!" I heard from behind me. It was Hayes,"The next class starts in 10 minutes so I can show you around a bit." He smiled and caught up to me.

We walked around Showing me the main parts like the library, cafeteria etc. Until we finally reaches the school pool."Usually new kids love the pool." he went inside. It was exactly the way I remembered it. My eyes started to get glossy."Uh, Hayes, I think we should go." He looked me straight in the eyes and said,"Whats wrong?" I looked away so he couldn't tell I was lying," can we please just go." He could tell I we uncomfortable by the pool. He put his arm around my shoulders.
After science I had gym. While I was walking to class, three girls came walking up to me."Who are you?" One of them snarled."Your worst nightmare." I sassed back."Come on girls she's not worth our time anyway." They flipped their hair and walked away. I laughed a little at how ridiculous they looked.
"Okay, this semester Is going to be tough." That was about the only thing I heard before I completely zoned out."Emily Van Der Woodden, is she here!" I jumped,"Um ah, y-yes sir." the whole class was snickering.

"Okay now that I have taken roll. This semester we will be learning swimming and diving." The whole class sighed and complained." If you have a problem with it you can sit out. The school wants everyone to know how to swing especially since the incident a couple of years ago.

I heard some voices talking about it, and I almost came to tears." I need you to get in groups of three." Everyone got up except for me."Raise your hand if you don't have a group." I slowly raised my hand."We need one more person in our grop." When I heard that voice I froze.
I know it's a little confusing, but you will learn about the incident in the next chapter. If you didn't already know Emily's Real name is Amanda. She went to the school before, but had to leave because of the incedent. now she is back trying to start over.

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