Chapter 10

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Emily's POV

This whole week was a blur. I had a lot of assignments due. Hayes invited me to a get together that Nate was having at his house.

This would be my chance to get some dirt on Nate. When I tell the whole school that Nate killed Eathen and that I'm Amanda, but I need something to back me up before I did that. Melrose noticed that I was so obsessed with bringing Nate down. she gave me a deadline to finish this whole take down at the last school dance of the the year. At the dance I'm going to tell everyone what really happened to Eathen Salem

I would get voted queen and when I say my thank you speech I would tell the whole story. Know this plan would be perfect. I needed to become Hayes girlfriend if I wanted this to work.

I agreed to go to the small get together.

I was wearing a cropped sweater with off white high waisted shorts. I also wore some black Combat boots, a gold chain necklace, and to top it all of I had on some John Lennon sunglasses. I know this outfit was a little more my style, but I could sill wear it without giving anything away.

Hayes picked me up he was wearing a casual outfit."You look nice." he said while staring down at my shorts. I rolled my eyes playfully and said. "I saw that." he blushed.

Nate's house was huge. it looked like it could belong in Beverly Hills. I rang the door bell. Nate opened it and said. "come on in." he had a fake smile.

The 'party' was pretty fun, and I forgot what I really was here for. I realize it was kind of getting late so I purposefully bumped into Nate. he had some punch in his hand which spilled all over me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Emily. follow me upstairs I'll get you cleaned up."

We went up his grand stair case to his bedroom. "let me go get a sweat shirt for you." He siad. he threw me one and said, "I'll give you some time to change in here." He closed the door.

I quickly took off my sweater and put on the sweat shirt that Nate gave me. I looked through his drawers to find some thing about him. No luck.

I was about to leave his room when I looked in his trash can. I saw a ton of pills and an empty orange pill bottle.

It read: Nate Archibald (gossip girl💁)
Mental illness. (I don't know what the real pills are called)

I can't believe it Nate was mentally insane I quickly too a picture of the bottle and pills. I quickly got out of the room and went down stairs.

I think I achieved my mission. I told Hayes that I felt a little sick and needed to go how and that I'll catch up with him later.

When I got home I when's right to work I type in the pharmacy Nate got his mess from in the search bar.

Archibald Med Clinic

I clicked the call button and called the business.

"Hi, your calling Archibald Medical Clinc, how may I help you."

" My name is Melrose Lena and I'm calling to see if you have any internships available."


Two chapters in one day! Hopefully I'll try and make some chapter this week because next weekend I have a dance competition and I won't be able to update as much.

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