Chapter 3- the incident

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Emily's POV

Eathen was always the weird kid. He would get bullied all the time.One day I stood up for him, I became his first friend. He thanked me so much. I was the only one who ever stood up for him, and he knew that.

He had light brown curly hair, and brown eyes. He didn't look bad. He was bullied because his mom was a drug addict. She stabbed him in the right leg when he was little. Everyone would always bring it up, and make fun of him and his Mom.

I stood out too. The girls at my school like floral print, skirts and all that crap. I on the other hand liked 90s grunge. They would always make fun of my since of style. At Davidson's Day if you were a girl didn't have anything monogrammed or Lilly Pulitzer you were an outcast.

I had blonde hair and blue eyes. I hated it, so I got brown contacts. I know weird right.

One day me and Eathen had to stay after school for art club. After it was finished we were walking through the halls waiting form our parents to come, then Eathen said, "Amanda, I'm going to run to the pool to get something I left in gym. I will be right back, I promise." He ran, it was a bit suspicious because I don't think Eathen took gym. After he cut around the corner I started to follow him.

I saw Nate waiting out side the pool door."Took you long enough." Nate complained. They entered the pool room. I started to get a little worried, I followed them inside. I hid behind the locker room wall.
"Hand it over!" Nate's voice echoed through the room. the reflections from the pool were all around us. it was raining today which made it extra dark.
"I tried to get it from my mom, but I couldn't. Please don't hurt me." Eathen cried."Shut up, you big woss." Eathen was now on his knees with his head in between them. Eathen was always depressed, but he looked weaker that ever."Can you swim?" Nate spoke."No."
Eathen replied. Nate clapped slowly."Big surprise." Nate said sarcastically. There was a creek in the door. Hayes appeared he glared at me with his eyes wide open. I placed a finger on my lips signaling for him to be quiet.

"Uh Nate, I got your text what do you need help with." Hayes said with worry. Nate signaled for Hayes to come over to him. Nate whispered in his ear."Three, Two, One, Go!"Nate shouted. They pushed Eathen into the deep end.

"Help, help, I can't swim." Eathen pleaded. "Nate your taking this too far help me get him out this was not apart of the plan!" Hayes tried to convince him. I was about to run out there and tell Nate to stop, but mind told me it wasn't a good idea."Nate!" Hayes screamed."You asked for it." Nate said in anger, but instead of helping Eathen he pushed his head under the water. Drowning him.
I couldn't believe what I was watching. It was like I was in a movie. Then reality came back to me."Noooo!" I screamed at Nate and ran toward him trying to push him in. Hayes held be back. "Let me go you murderer." Hot tears started to run down my face. Still tight in Hayes grip, the splashing stoped.

"You killed him." My voice cracked. Then I started to break down. Hayes and I were now on the floor I knew he was crying because I felt tear drops on my head.
"It's going to be okay,its going to be okay." Hayes whispered into my ears. It was very comforting, but I knew everything wasn't going to be alright. He got out his phone a started to dial 911.

"Oh, not so fast out the phone down." Nate said. he grabbed me and started to choke me. "This was all an accident. Eathen fell into the deep end. We came in here to get my gym bag, and we found his body floating in the water. That's what happened right." He let me go then I said," and who will believe that, everyone saw you bully him in the hall way. Oh and don't forget about me too." I snapped back trying to regain my breath. Hayes was in shock just starring at us.
"If you tell the truth I will make your life a living hell." Nate threatened."Maybe I will kill you just like I did Eathen.That goes for you too Hayes. you can call 911 now, but remember this was all and accident.

We got Eathen out of the pool. I just cried over him waiting for the cops and the ambulance to show up. The ambulance rushed through the door."Goodbye Eathen." I whispered as them took him away in the strecher.


This whole chapter was a flash back to the incident. I know it's a little confusing. I'm not making any promises but it think the confusion will clear up in the next chapter.

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