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I  was on tour and it was the second to last stop before my atl stop I was ready to see  my Family I missed them shit I missed the entire house, I FaceTimed Lisa and she sounded like she was just waking up I saw "hello beautiful its time to wake up its 3pm" she moaned said no I told her  "If you dont get up daddy won't give you no dick when I get back home" she got up so quick the fastest I seen her. "their you go get dressed and ready for your day" "okay papi".

I hung up and yelled at my crew " AYE NIGGA I SAID THAT GOES ON THE OTHER END NOT RIGHT THERE FIX IT!" I was doing mic check when my manger told me in my ear that one of Lisa ex's was looking for me I ran off the stage and bumped into him we looked each other eye to eye

"Is Lis-" before he could say anything I punched him his eye and said "that for stealing money from my wife and having her looking stupid when you had a entire wife and kids at home!"  I told my security  get him out of here and if he comes to the next 2 shows kick him out.

Once I handled that situation I went back to the hotel room and chilled out until it was for me to go back  to the concert stop.

Lisa POV
I was yelling at heaven  she was getting into everything I think she understands her daddy is coming back in town tomorrow "Heaven sit ya ass down somewhere before I give you... no imma let your daddy give you a ass whopping." she sat down with quickness Tionne came downstairs with chase on her side she looked tired she put chase in her highchair and cooked her breakfast, I walked over to the kitchen and before I went I kissed chase on her forehead and said "well hello sleepy head"

I walked in the kitchen and seen Tionne she looked like she was getting sick she had bags under her eyes I spotted her and plotted her on the couch and called mama Gayle  and she told me she would be on her way with the doctor and what she needs she came in a hurry I let her in and she got hooked up and I pulled chase high chair in thee kitchen so she don't see her mother like that and I fed her.

While I was feeding her I was also baby talking her while feeding her "lil wittle chase is hungry" "you just the cutest" and "you so cute" once she ate the last bite of her food  I said "All done chasey"

she clapped her hands and said "awl done" I laughed picked her up and I changed her diaper in her room on the changing station after I changed her and put her in some fresh new clothes we went back downstairs and I need momma Gayle and the doctor left.

Tionne was fast asleep with the iv in her arm still chase said "b-boz" "shhh chase b-boz  is sleeping" she nodded her head and  I put her in the play pin we had downstairs.
Nova  POV  
I was in my last class of the day and I was tired and ready to go home I was dozing off in the back of the class and I was texting my best friend who was on the other side of the room we was talking about the teacher and how the class was going slow today, "Nova  can you answer this question" the teacher said I looked at the question and I said "if we being completely honest I was not paying not one bit attention to this boring class."

The entire class laughed and the teach replied back "how is my class boring" I stood up and looked around the room and said "well for one lex is sleep, Half of us is on our phone texting and the fool right here been on the floor since u started the lesson so we are bored if I could walk out I would."

Then her phone rung she picked it up and said "well heaven today is your lucky day your aunties are coming here to speak to the class." I looked at her and sat back down.

The door opened and behold my Aunts Lisa and chili...all the dude in the class said "damn" I said "watch ya fucking eyes and mouth ya fucking nasties... sorry TT'S" they laughed and Lisa said "well yes we are her aunties I'm Lisa known as Left eye" and chilli said "Im Rozonda known as chilli and the T of the group couldn't make it today."

They started talking about their career and how they came up from the bottom, being broke, having kids, health problems ect.

The bell rung and as soon as we walked out everyone had to be on the wall so me, TT Lisa and chilli could walk and not get trampled when they saw the limo outside  where the buses should be, everyone was confused when they saw Lisa and chilli everyone said hey then they saw me get in and everyone started talking and looking I just ignored it and keep moving.

We pulled up to chilli house and dropped her off at home and it was just me and Lisa in the limo, she asked me how was school I told her I had to tell the teacher how the class was boring and we was all on our phones and that one person was on the floor.

She just laughed by the time I looked at the window we was already at the house we  said goodbye to the driver and went into the house my parents was in the living room watching living single they asked me what I learned I said "same ole same ole" my phone buzzed and it was my boyfriend yes I have a boyfriend my parents don't know I answer and said "hey I'm walking upstairs right now"

I went in my room and we stayed on the phone until it was time for dinner which was around 8 all the time he told me "when will I meet your folks like all of them?" I told him "do you want to come over for dinner tonight we are having your favorite pasta." he told me "yea what time do I need to make it over there?" "8 o'clock" I said I hung up the phone.

I walked downstairs and sat at the island bar in the living room looking in the kitchen my mom and both of my aunts were cooking.. I said "mommy" they all turned they heads "darn why y'all all turn y'all heads but since I got your attention like that...can a friend which is a boy come over he is a good friend of mine from school"

My aunt Lisa looked at me like she knew what I was up to she laughed and went back to cooking.  My aunt Tionne winked at me and went by to cooking.

My mom said "that fine with me along as his parents are cool with it your friends are always welcomed baby" I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and texted him and told him my mom said yes.  The only problem was my dad doesn't now about him.

I was setting the table with the help of my girls while Jr was sitting in his highchair next to chase stealing her cereal while he had his own they was just so cute. I went upstairs to tell the boys the food is done and they came rushing down the stairs like mad man I said "UHH HELLO YALL COULD OF HURT ME U FAT ASSES!" Everyone laughed I sat down and started eating then the doorbell rung Nova got up and opened the door we all looked to see who it was but we couldn't see it so we continued eating.

she came back with this boy and they was holding hands she said "Mom Nai , dad Bow wow, Laila, jr, Chase, Tionne , Shi, Lisa, and  heaven" This is my boyfriend Rico.. rico this is my mom, dad , sister little sister Laila and little sister Laila my niece chase my aunt Tionne and her wife Shi and my aunt Lisa and her kid which is my other niece and my uncle who is not here he is on tour right now Tupac we all waved and her dad being himself said "Boyfriend??






Reads what happens next on I'm good at being bad

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