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Lisa, Tionne, Nai, Shi, pac & Bow was all in the kitchen getting they plan ready when Nai looked at the time she ran out to get this kids from school and practice.

Shi Pov
Nai left to get the kids and it was just me, Lisa, Tionne, Bow and pac at the kitchen table trying to plot and plan to kill pebbles Tionne said " a slow and painful death will do" we all looked at her, I rubbed her back and said "mamas calm down" Bow shakes his head and Lisa said "I like that death it's a good death." Pac looked at her and back at us, "I seen why y'all sisters damn" he said we all laughed.

Nai came in just in time and the kids say they hey's and went upstairs for homework. Nai walked to the table and said "Fire will do she will die easily and no evidence" Bow looked at her " Baby no I see why y'all get along so fucking well" he said

Lisa POV
We was still in the kitchen trying to figure out how to kill money steal cheating ass low life damnit pebbles, when we was talking Laila came downstairs asking me can I help her with her math so I did.

I walked away and she told me the problem and I walked her though the problem. Then I got a phone call "I will be back Lady bug" she nodded her head I answered the phone and the phone said "Atlanta police an inmate is trying to contact press one to answer 2 not to answer."  I pressed one to find out who the hell was calling me from the jail, I said "hello?"
A soft voice said "Lisa" sounded like they were crying.

"It's nova I'm in jail I need your to get me out and get my parents." My eyes grew wide and said "don't explain nothing we are on the way" I rushed back into Laila room "get your shoes on right now"

The gang was still downstairs talking about the plan, I slid down the stairs like a kid, out of breath I said "Nova is in jail we gotta go" bow said "How do you WHAT THE HELL".

"Why the hell is my baby in jail" Nai said , i shrugged my shoulders we got the kids ready we took the hummer and rushed to the police station.

Nova POV
While I was sitting in this cold ass cell waiting on my family to bail me out.

y'all might be confused "how did nova get here" well let me tell you"
Me and Rico was driving he picked me up from school today and my mom was fine with it. She got the rest of my siblings and went home.

We were on the way to grab some food before we head to cheer and football & wrestling practice there was some cops that's been following us for a while, I looked back "Baby that same cop car has been following us since we left the school" I said Rico looked in his mirror and speed up a lil every turn we took the cop took.

We turned with our turn signal and the cop pulled us over, we pulled over and the cop knocked on our window "license and registration please" Rico asked the cop can my girlfriend grab it for me. Cop said "okay" I grabbed it and handed it to Rico.

Rico was being so polite and respectful to the cop and he dropped his phone which was in between his leg, and the cop Drew his gun and shot Rico in the shoulder and leg, I screamed shaking rico saying "BABY BABY" with fear in my eyes. The people who saw it call the ambulance for Rico and the cop came on my side and pulled me out the car.

Me fighting back because my family taught me to don't let nobody touch me, I was fighting back and the cop pushed me on the ground and put me in hand cuff, people was recording saying "that is a child let her go" I seen them roll Rico into the ambulance I yelled "RICO stay strong baby I will be by your side" he waved and they took him away

Flashback over
When I was sitting on the bench near the wall in the cell I heard some voices "WHERE IS MY BABY" my mom yelled "if y'all don't tell us where my niece is at I will fuck this entire place up" said Shi, I heard Lisa voice come around the Corner all loud.

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