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I am no bird; and no net
ensnares me; I am a free
human being with an
independent will.

"I want ice cream" I started whining like a baby. Come on! Age is just a number.

"Oh! Okay don't scream, You madwoman." he told me in his best arrogant tone.

Huh! as if it will affect me.

Saying that he went to the counter.
I could see girls drooling over his pig-like backside. I will never understand What the hell do they see in him?

Then I noticed those lonely sandwiches waiting for someone to pick them....
Me being the selfless person I am reached out for it but Dan beat me to it.

He ate it in ONE GO.

It still amazes me how these two eat like pigs and still manages to maintain those biceps. I thought while gazing around.

Everyone were in a rush. The preparations for campus selection!
The next step to their dreams, aspirations and livelihood.

The chance to start spreading our wings.

Rithwin came back with the ice creams giving me and Dan each.

He then started glaring at me, that's when I noticed a forefinger pointing at me.

"I swear Rits she ate it."

The Evil stepmother is better than my so-called backstabbing 'Best friends'.

"NO! He ate it Rits "

Rits eyed me.

"That was the sandwich which fell in the ground. That's why I didn't eat it, Ann." Rits told, but I didn't miss the mischief in his eyes.

there starts the ever so neat freak Danniel's sprint to washroom.

"You made it up. Right?" I asked Rits while staring at our personal Usain Bolt.

Rits said popping the 'p' and then we started laughing like dying hyenas.

No one cares about the sounds we make because it's usual.

This is me.

3 friends more like siblings.

Hailing from a middle-class family full of doctors it was expected of me to follow their path.

But breaking the taboo I stood my ground.

'I want to become an Engineer.'

My parents were supportive after the initial apprehensions.
But all others are still not on terms with it even after 3 years of me joining the most prestigious Engineering institute of the country.

I was happy but not completely then I met Danniel and Rithwin. They taught me that a family need not necessarily be blood-related.

My family is an orthodox one so interacting with boys from outside was a big NO but somehow my Mom took a liking for them which is still a mystery to me.
We are 4 including Leah a fashion freak.
She dropped out and joined a fashion institute to chase her dreams.
Now I am stuck with these two dumbheads.

My train of thoughts was interrupted by Dan.

"Ann when is your interview?"

He calls me Ann as he was not able to pronounce my name.
He is from the UK, Rits from Delhi, Leah an Australian NRI, and I'm from TamilNadu.

I know we are a little messed up.

But we are one.

"1:30, I guess."

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