Chapter Eight

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Liam Payne

I awkwardly sipped on my juice, my eyes darting from Louis to Harry as we sat together in the schools library. I decided to stay after school in order to complete some portion of the assignment Mr. Tilling had given us after we had returned to the school from the trip. We were meant to create a PowerPoint display of the things we'd learned and it's correspondence to how we can better the environment or keep it healthy as it is. We were meant to do this with our partner, I blushed to myself, mine being Zayn.

I twiddle my fingers thinking about how he gave me the smallest smile this morning telling me that we'd work on the project tomorrow due to the fact that he had things he was busy with. I look down and grin bashfully about how he insisted he'd help me and wouldn't leave me to do anything by myself. I wasn't here long but every time I was partnered with someone they made me do everything, though I didn't mind it because I was intellectually Inclined to do better on my own, I still expected some sort of assistance. My heart was bubbling before I knew it.

I just couldn't fathom how cold he was to mostly everyone, giving a nonchalant attitude towards most things and carelessly fighting anyone who upset him in the slightest but when it came to me it was different. I don't know why I was so giddy about this but I just felt so special.

"Can you not," roared an annoyed Louis at Harry who smirked innocently.

I blink from my thoughts as I look from Louis to Harry. They were on either side of each other and Louis was actually trying to do calculus homework, hardly, but it seemed like he was having trouble paying attention. It always seemed to get this way whenever Harry was in the picture and the sly looks Harry would shoot at Louis would only annoy him and get him flustered, something I didn't see from Louis all too often.

"Can I not what, sweetheart?" Harry cooed causing Louis' ears to light on fire and me to meekly grow even smaller between the two of them.

"D-Don't call me that," Louis spluttered.

Harry leaned into the table, a wide smirk on his face as he brushed his finger across Louis' hand that was on the table. Louis appeared unmovable and I watched the display silently as Harry was nearly close to Louis' face if not for the table being a barrier.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you like it," Harry whispered so quietly, so deeply that I almost didn't catch it.

My eyes widened to the size of saucers at the sexual undertone of his comment my eyes flickered to Louis who was red. He swallowed before he ripped his hand from Harry's reach.

"Shut up," he spat at him.

Harry was about to respond when a hand grasped his shoulder and interrupted him, he looked up. I turned to see who it was and almost immediately a smile blossomed onto my face as I peered up at Zayn. I noticed Zayn and Harry solely looking at each other and it appeared like they were having an internal conversation with each other but that didn't make any sense. Regardless, I became slightly butthurt that he didn't notice me and turned away to pout down at my paper.

Harry stood up to take the seat directly in front of me and beside Louis, leaving the chair he sat in open for Zayn to sit down in which was beside me. I didn't pay attention to him because I childishly felt bitter over not being the first person who he talked to or had his attention to. I almost felt like slapping myself for even thinking this. I wasn't dating him and I didn't even think I was gay but Zayn made things weird for me.

I felt Zayn's eyes burn into the side of my face and I felt heat rush up my neck as I squirmed and tried my hardest to pay attention to the work I was doing in order to ignore him.

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