Chapter Nineteen

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Liam Payne


(in myth or fiction) a person who changes for periods of time into a wolf, typically when there is a full moon.

No matter how many times I scrolled through Google to get a better understanding my mind just wasn't able to wrap around the concept. What made it possible for a seemingly human being to change into an animal in a matter of seconds? What in their genetic make up made such an activity possible? It was all too much for my brain to understand and truly it was a terrifying concept.

There teeth were razor sharp, claws sharp and elongated moving with fast speed and perfectly capable to kill. I didn't want to call them a monster because I felt as if it was hurtful and I was trying my hardest to try to understand something as supernatural as this.

I mean this was the real world, things like this just didn't exist yet here I was constantly flashing back to the moment where Zayn wasn't human but shifting into a beast right before my eyes. It was truly too much for me and I didn't expect something like this.

I didn't want to say it but it was obvious; I was scared. I was scared of Zayn and that hurt my heart for reasons I just couldn't explain. I didn't want to fear him and it hurt me to even think that he would ever hurt me but it was very much possible that he could. My heart told me he would never hurt me but my brain reminded me that he was a werewolf and they were built to hunt and it was in there nature to kill.

I was in more of a conflicted state than I have ever been and it had gotten to a point where it's been days since I found out what Zayn and Harry were and I hadn't showed up to school since. My work was given to me from Louis, who still didn't know why I was behaving like this and was still obliviously hanging around Harry and Zayn possibly.

I should've fear for Louis but something inside me told me there was nothing to worry about and Zayn and Harry wouldn't hurt him like they wouldn't hurt me. If they were planning to hurt me they would've but what punctured me was how much I had fallen for Zayn. I felt heart broken that he'd allow me to fall for him while keeping something like this away from me. Something in me told me that there was already a pull that connected us but I just didn't know what.

Normally, I felt like I knew everything so being thrown into something like this and being ignorant towards everything sent me through a loop of emotions I hated. I wiped the tear that was falling down my face, my eyes settling over my laptop screen that showed what I had searched up.


With a heavy heart, I scroll through everything and clicked on a link that sent me to what seemed to be all about werewolves. I felt completely confused as words I didn't know appeared.

Mate, Pack, Slick, Alpha, Mind Link... 

I didn't know what any of it meant and peering over at all the pictures it went with, my head began spinning before I could really read what any of it meant. I shut my laptop, releasing a breath and setting the device on my night desk.

Darkness consumed my room for the most part, the lack of light concealing the silent tears that streamed down my face. I wasn't aware of why I was crying but I could guess it was the overwhelming feeling that Zayn wasn't exactly who I thought he was. Another reason for my tears was possibly being that apart of me didn't care what he was but wanted to be with him no matter what but that was a scary thing. I used to be wary of dangerous things but that side of me was consuming by a larger part of my thoughts that believed too much in Zayn wanting to keep me safe more than anything else.

Rather than deciding to never see him again and move schools, a part of me wanted to see Zayn and it was as if being away from him this long was suffocating me. I didn't know what it was that was doing this too me but I pushed it down regardless and tried my hardest to be rational.

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