Chapter Thirty

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"Don't mistake silence for weakness. Smart people don't plan big moves out loud."

Zayn Malik

It was damn near impossible for me find sleep. How the hell could I sleep when my mate wasn't by my side but was with people who were potentially hurting him and possibly stripping him of the happy go luck boy I've grown to truly cherish. It clawed at my heart, just feeling how cold he must be, how scared he must feel and how hungry he probably is.

It was impossible for me to stay in one place, my foot shaking consistently as a means to keep me from ripping the whole living room into shreds. Fuck. I blamed myself for everything. For letting him leave my side, for letting him wander around without following him, for not being there to save him when he needed saving.

I felt so damn useless as a mate. I was supposed to be there for him but here I was, enjoying the comforts of being free while he was most likely caged. A growl was bubbling within my throat, my anger level rising and it didn't take long before the large sofa I sat on with Liam just a day ago was broken in two separate pieces.

Not only was my mate kidnapped but I didn't know where the hell to begin my search for him. It was as if he disappeared completely, leaving no trace behind. The fact that fucking Lyn, Ailee and Nicolas were behind this made my blood boil thinking that a mere rogue, Human and half wolf would kidnap my precious mate.

I wouldn't hesitate to rip off each and everyone of their heads and feed it to animals, leaving no remains behind. I wanted their blood spilled and if I saw even one scratch on Liam, they'd pay a worse price than something as generous as a fast death. Rage consumed me simply because I could feel the sadness, worry and unhappiness that Liam was feeling in waves and it cut through me, puncturing my heart. He was too innocent, too good to be treated like this.

Before I can smash into the TV, I hear the elevator ding, Lou's smell drifting into the floor I was on. I turn to her as she rushes past things to get into the living room, where I stood. She holds a map of our vast territory with surrounding territories and buildings around it. She kneels down and spreads the sheet out on the coffee table, keeping it spread open with her hands.

"Alpha Zayn, I went through our personal library and found a map that displays the area plus an extension to other lands," Lou began to explain.

I nod in understanding, sitting down and looking closely at the blue map that shows a separation of lands and buildings in white.

"This may be a stretch but this pack," her nails touch another pack that was maybe an hour from our pack, "may be keeping Liam or Nicolas may be keeping him there without their notice."

"Then why the hell are we still sitting here and not gathering our warriors to rip off his head?" I demand in question and she sighs audibly.

"Because this building," she moves her fingers to touch the area of a large run down building that was maybe half an hours time away from us,"May also be where they could be keeping him."

"But you're not sure," I say in frustration, "we can check both places."

"There's another problem," Lou says hesitantly and I raise a brow.

"What is it?"

"It seems that Nicolas plans to attack our pack and has gotten his Alphas blessing to do so. Liam was talking to me through mind link, informing me of what Nicolas was saying and I've come to the conclusion that we only have a days time, maybe even less," Lou quickly tells me, worry easily written on her face despite how she tried to remain calm.

It was a warriors duty to remain calm in any situation no matter what, a cold exterior to replace emotion but it was easy to see how she was folding apart inside.

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